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1999 – 2000 – 2001 – 2002 – 2003 – 2004 – 2005 – 2006 – 2007 – 2008 – 2009 – 2010 – 2011 – 2012 – 2013 – 2014 – 2015 – 2016 – 2017 – 2018 – 2019 – 2020 – 2021


New Year – Jan. 1, 1999
Resolution #1: Exercise – Jan. 6, 1999
Resolution #2: Fridge – Jan. 15, 1999
Talking Fridge – Jan. 18, 1999
Window – Jan. 22 1999
Social Life – Jan. 23, 1999
Siegfried – Jan. 30, 1999
Anti-Spammer – Jan. 31, 1999
Cheap Liposuction – Feb. 27, 1999
Phone Call from Jerry Springer – Mar. 21, 1999
Implications – Mar. 25, 1999
Hugh Chrysler – Apr. 4, 1999
On the Jerry Springer Show – Oct. 4, 1999
Good Right Hook – Feb. 19, 2001
Daily Writing Goal – Feb. 20, 2001
Cooking vs. the Internet – Mar. 20, 2001
The Phonecall – Mar. 21, 2001
Like a Lamb – Mar. 22, 2001
Favourite Things about Flying – Mar. 23, 2001
The Meeting – Mar. 24, 2001
Meeting the Staff – Mar. 27, 2001
Discussing the Move – Mar. 28, 2001
Debbie Deal Negotiation Update – Apr. 25, 2001
Soundtrack – Apr. 26, 2001
Good-byes – Apr. 28, 2001
Empty Apartment – Apr. 29, 2001
First Day at Work – May 7, 2001
Meeting Lyle the Supervisor – May 16, 2001
Online Community Update – June 14, 2001
Meeting the Tech Team – June 25, 2001
Koolaid – July 14, 2001
Rumors – Dec. 21, 2001
Interview Rehash – Dec. 28, 2001
The New Hire – Jan. 5, 2002
Resignation – Mar. 3, 2002
Good-byes – Mar. 9, 2002
Packing Up – Mar. 13, 2002
Kicking Butt – Oct. 3, 2002
Back Home – Oct. 4, 2002
NaNoWriMo – Nov. 21, 2002
Post NaNoWriMo – Nov. 30, 2002
Christmas Tree – Dec. 24, 2002
A New Year – Jan. 1, 2003
Starting – Jan. 18, 2003
Ruth Volunteers – Feb. 1, 2003
Celebrating Jeff’s Birthday – Feb. 6, 2003
I Know Where Everything Is, Really – Aug. 1, 2003
Office clean-up (part 1) – Sept. 19, 2003
Office Clean-up (part 2) – Apr. 2, 2004
Blackout Procrastination – Apr. 4, 2004
Return of the King DVD Quandary – Apr. 10, 2004
First Run of the Year – Apr. 11, 2004 – Apr. 22, 2004
Luisa Joins the Comic – May 1, 2004
Bugs at the Cottage – May 12, 2004
Dial-up Connection Woes – May 14, 2004
First Dip at the Cottage – May 15, 2004
Swimsuit Shopping – May 17, 2004
Pre-Movie Amnesia – May 21, 2004 Crossover – May 24, 2004
Return of the King Anticipation – May 25, 2004
Reading in the Tub – May 26, 2004
Hike Prep – June 2, 2004
In Line for a Sloan Concert with My Friend Rand – June 11, 2004
Cottage Noises – Aug. 7, 2004
Trying Natto for the First Time – Sept. 4, 2004
Urban Tapestry Practice: Alllison’s Cat – Sept. 6, 2004
Cat Expressions – Sept. 8, 2004
Return of the King DVD Trailer – Oct. 22, 2004
Last Lord of the Rings Movie – Dec. 6, 2004 Crossover: Rosie – Dec. 7, 2004
Waiting for the Crossover: Lord of the Rings Cookie – Dec. 8, 2004
Waiting for the Crossover: LOTR Marathon – Dec. 14, 2004
Jeff and Debbie Decide to Move Out of Their Condo and Buy a House – Dec. 27, 2004
Real Estate Agent – Dec. 31, 2004
Debbie’s Big Office Purge – Jan. 30, 2005
Valentine’s shopping – Feb. 14, 2005
White Wall – Mar. 26, 2005
No More Lord of the Rings Movies – Mar. 28, 2005
Sentimental – Apr. 17, 2005
Canoe Lake Ice-Out Poll – Apri. 21, 2005
Backpack Organizer – May 10, 2005
Post-it Notes Organization System – may 13, 2005
Househunting FOREVER – Dec. 14, 2005
Happy Holidays – Dec. 20, 2005
Boxing Day Mania – Dec. 30, 2005
Seeing King Kong – Jan. 17, 2006
Lord of The Rings Musical – July 1, 2006
Jeff Shaves Off His Beard So Now I Can’t Draw Him – July 2, 2006
Temporary Living Arrangements – July 6, 2006
Why I Haven’t Been Keeping Up the Comic Recently – Mar. 25, 2008 Fame – Apr. 1, 2008
Final Cut of Bladerunner – Apr. 7, 2008
Hissyfit – Apr. 13, 2008
Waiting for – Apr. 18, 2008
New Sewing Machine – Apr. 22, 2008
War on Squirrels – July 5, 2008
War on Squirrels (part 2) – Aug. 29, 2008
E-books and the Wilderness – Sept. 3, 2008
Too Many Apps – Nov. 20, 2008
Winter Squirrel Wars – Dec. 21, 2008
R.I.P. Michael and Farrah – June 26, 2009
Getting an iPad! – Mar. 16, 2010
iPad Angst – Mar. 30, 2010
iPad Envy – Apr. 1, 2010
Why I Haven’t Been Posting at all in 2011 – Dec. 21, 2011
I’m Bored – Jan. 2, 2012
I’M BORED Process: the interviews – Mar. 28, 2012
New Year’s Resolution – Dec. 31, 2012
Naked! Punctuation Question – Feb. 2, 2014
Minecraft – Dec. 6, 2014