Thanks to all who have sent me kind words about my blog or social media posts. Some of you have asked where you can buy my Stuff or how to help support me and my work financially. Here are just a few ways:
Buy my books. For those who can afford it, this is a big help. THANK YOU!
Telling others about my books. If you enjoy my books, whether they’re purchased or borrowed, please let others know! Word of mouth makes a huge difference, especially if you’re an educator, librarian or bookseller. If you’re on social media, please tag me if you’re posting something nice about my book (on Twitter I’m inkyelbows, Instagram inkygirl, FB debbieohi). Even if you only have a few followers, I’d appreciate your post – it gives me the chance to retweet/share. And if you include an image (photo of the cover, especially if someone is holding the book), even better. If you’re uncomfortable about showing your face (or a young reader’s face), feel free to hold the book in front of your face. Photos with people in them are always more fun!
Book me for a virtual visit, or tell others (especially educators) about my virtual visits.
Buy something from my Etsy shop, my Society6 shop or my Greeting Card Universe shop.
Even if you are not in the position to offer any of the above, here’s one way you can help show your support that I always appreciate:
Send me a message or email or post that says something nice without asking for or expecting anything in return. This always makes my day since 99% of the messages I get these days are asking me for things / favors. Which is fine, of course (I am getting better at saying no when I need to), but can be a bit soul-hollowing sometimes.