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Welcome to my blog (scroll down to see individual posts), which was originally on a separate site at I also have a separate Inkygirl newsletter on Substack at

Also see: Inkygirl interviewsResources

Where to find the kidlit community on Bluesky (OLD)

(Last updated September 19, 2023) This post is replaced by Debbie’s Unofficial Guide To Bluesky. (Older version below, see link above for my NEW AND UPDATED post) As the Platform-Formerly-Known-As-Twitter gradually continues to de-stabilize, I’ve been taking a harder look at alternatives….especially if Elon Musk goes through with his promise . . .

I’m a Substack Reads recommendation!

As I mentioned in my keynote at SCBWI Florida last month, Substack is currently my happyplace online, more so than any other platform. Which is why I was SO EXCITED when I discovered that I was one of nine Substack newsletters in their Substack Reads recommendation list this week. Thanks . . .

My new Picture Books 101 series on Substack

As I recently mentioned in my keynote at the SCBWI Florida conference, Substack is my current happyplace online. I’ll post more about Substack and how it can help children’s book creators later this year, but I wanted to let you all know about my new Picture Book 101 series on . . .

I illustrated Judy Blume’s covers! Here’s what I learned.

(The following was also included in my new Inkygirl newsletter on Substack.) On Dec. 19th, 2013, my editor at Simon & Schuster contacted me to see if I’d be interested in auditioning for a project “of great proportions.” I said sure. See this re-creation of my response. I had been . . .