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Posts Tagged ‘Debbie Art’

I feel like this at least once every book project

Anyone else feel like this sometimes? I go through this at LEAST once every book project. The insecurity helps keep me humble and also motivates me to always keep learning and experimenting, to push myself to step out of my comfort zone. I try to write or doodle in my . . .

Win this tiny “I Love To Read” doodle!

I enjoy creating tiny doodles! This one is only 9 cm x 5.5 cm (about the size of a business card) and created with my new Platinum Preppy fountain pen with a fine point nib using a Carbon Black Ink cartridge, my Winsor & Newton portable watercolor set and a . . .

Giveaway: Win this Peppermint Fish Found Object original doodle by yours truly

To help encourage people to sign up for my email newsletter (in which I share art, writing & interesting links – you can unsubscribe anytime) and also to expand my Rafflecopter giveaways outside of Facebook, I’m doing a giveaway of my Peppermint Tea Fish found object doodle. This one-of-a-kind found object doodle on a . . .