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How Gurple And Preen Was Created Part 5

Part 1 – Part 2 – Part 3 – Part 4 – Part 5 Part 5: Gurple and Preen Launches! Click here to see a replay of our book launch event at Blue Willow Bookshop!

How Gurple And Preen Was Created Part 4

Part 1 – Part 2 – Part 3 – Part 4 – Part 5 PART 4: How One Of The Illustrations Changed Over Revisions With help from her friends at Simon & Schuster (including from the author in later stages) as well as working on her own, Debbie went through many revisions of her illustrations for Gurple and Preen. . . .

How Gurple And Preen Was Created Part 3

Part 1 – Part 2 – Part 3 – Part 4 – Part 5 PART 3: How Debbie Created The Illustrations While waiting for Linda Sue Park and Justin Chanda to finish the manuscript, Debbie was figuring out how to do the illustrations for the book. Unlike her other book illustrations, Gurple and Preen would use photography as well as . . .

How Gurple And Preen Was Created Part 2

Part 1 – Part 2 – Part 3 – Part 4 – Part 5 From GURPLE AND PREEN author, Linda Sue Park: – I knew right away that the story would be about robots, because my favorite image from Debbie’s Broken Crayon gallery is this one:  – Gurple’s name was originally ‘Grayon.’ I liked that name, but I . . .

How Gurple And Preen Was Created Part 1

Part 1 – Part 2 – Part 3 – Part 4 – Part 5 (Last updated June 24, 2020) You never know what will come out of a broken crayon….like this book! PART 1: Debbie’s Found Object Art and Linda Sue Park Writes A Story Long before Debbie ever thought of doing a picture . . .

My morning writing routine in 2020

Finding it a challenge to carve out time for your writing because of other work or life commitments? I encourage you to join me in my Daily Writing Challenge. Even 100 words a day adds up! I also have an Inkygirl Daily Writing Challenge Facebook Page. One of my goals in 2020 . . .

SAM & EVA is nominated for the Marilyn Baillie Picture Book Award!

I was incredibly honoured to find out that SAM & EVA (Simon & Schuster Books For Young Readers) has been nominated for The Canadian Children’s Book Centre Marilyn Baillie Picture Book Award. I am especially honoured, considering the other finalists in the same category. For more info about each of these books as well . . .

How Sam & Eva Was Created Part 3

Part 1 – Part 2 – Part 3 (Last updated May 31, 2018) One of Debbie’s favorite parts of book creation process is working with Laurent Linn on the cover. Here are some rough sketches of cover ideas: After Debbie’s art was approved, she waited. While she waiting, of course, . . .