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Comic Caption Challenge

Any suggestions for a caption? Feel free to post your caption suggestion below, on my Facebook Inkygirl Page, or on Instagram. Please keep try to keep captions family-friendly, thanks. 

Books About Town, Narnia BookBench, and giving credit to Pauline Baynes

EDITED 9:49 AM: Books About Town just tweeted to me: “So pleased you like the concept of Books about Town. We’ve now added the credit to the bench page. Thanks for highlighting!” Wow, thanks to the organizers for their quick response! Do check out their websitefor more info about their public art . . .


A while back, I read Donalyn Miller’s READING IN THE WILD: The Book Whisperer’s Keys To Cultivating Lifelong Reading Habits. I enjoyed it so much that I just bought THE BOOK WHISPERER. The books are geared toward educators, but there is so much great info and inspiration for those who help create . . .

Look what Justin Chanda @jpchanda sent me from the ALA conference last night (!!)

Thanks SOOOOO MUCH to Judy Blume and my editor Justin Chanda for this wonderful photo  taken yesterday at the annual American Library Association conference (ALA). This photo makes me VERY VERY HAPPY FOR MANY REASONS. Here’s more info about the revamped books from Atheneum/Simon & Schuster, how I became a Judy . . .

#BookADay: SINCE YOU’VE BEEN GONE by Morgan Matson @morgan_m

Just finished reading SINCE YOU’VE BEEN GONE by Morgan Matson(Simon & Schuster Books For Young Readers, 2014). Loved this book, especially the main character, Emily. How I wish this book had been published years ago! I was very much like Emily when I was a teen: timid and insecure on my own, plus . . .