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Quickie Anonymous Poll For Agents, Editors and Art Directors

To agents, editors and art directors out there: please take a few minutes to answer a short anonymous poll to help up-and-coming writers and illustrators? Results will be discussed at the SCBWI-Florida Regional Conference, SCBWI Metro NY Chapter (Feb event) and SCBWI-LA Writer’s Day as well as summarized in later this . . .

Poll Results: Do You Dog-Ear Pages In Books?

Thanks to those who answered my dog-earing survey! Exactly 100 people responded. I know the percentages don’t add up to exactly 100; I think SurveyMonkey was rounding up or down. It was fun to see how OPINIONATED many of us are about dog-earing pages in books; non-readers just wouldn’t care, . . .

A survey: Do YOU dog-ear pages in books?

After posting the found object doodle below on FB, a flurry of comments (turns out I’m not the only one who has a strong emotional reaction to dog-eared pages in books :-)) prompted me to post this anonymous 1-question survey: How do you feel about dog-earing pages? After you answer my . . .

Quickie anonymous poll for those of you with agents

I’ve been getting more people asking me for advice about how to get an agent, so in addition to updating my FAQ post about “Any advice on how to get an agent? How did YOU get your agent?“, I’ve also posted a new survey. If you’re a children’s/YA author or . . .

Survey Results: What Agents, Editors and Art Directors Look For Online

In prep for my workshop at CANSCAIP’s Packaging Your Imagination, I asked literary agents, editors and art directors a few questions about whether they research potential clients, authors and illustrators online and what they look for. 18 editors (some of whom also look for picture book illustrators), 8 agents and 2 . . .

Poll Results: How Many Books You Read At The Same Time

Last week on Twitter and Facebook, I asked how many books people were reading right now. I specified books that you were at least partway through and planned to keep reading within the next month. What I hadn’t taken into account: the number of editors out there — several of . . .

Quickie Poll Results: Strange Things That People Use As Bookmarks

Earlier in the weekend, I asked what you used as bookmarks in the last print book that you read. 42% said that you just used a regular bookmark. 9% said you fold back the corner of a page (GAH!!!). 6% said you didn’t use any bookmark. The rest used irregular . . .