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Eliza’s Secret Date

I’m sure I’m not the only one who has made a Secret Date With A Good Book. The busier life gets, the more vital it is to purposely make time to read. (Are you doing NaNoWriMo? Check out my friend Errol Elumir’s daily NaNoToons!)

Technology and Rejections

If you’re doing NaNoWriMo this year, by the way, be sure to check NaNoToons for daily NaNoWrimo-related comics by my friend Errol Elumir!

One Feature the new i-Phone DOESN’T Have

In case anyone was wondering, I *have* decided to upgrade my iPhone to the iPhone 5s. I read ebooks on my iPhone as well as taking a ton of photos, so the improved graphics capability (and especially the new camera features) make it well worth it for me. More info . . .