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Posts Tagged ‘For The Love Of Reading’

SOUP DAY by Melissa Iwai: A Soul-Satisfying, Delicious Comfort Read

I’ve been gradually adding new and older BookADay posts to my new Bookstagram. One of the most recent: SOUP DAY by Melissa Iwai (Henry Holt): Celebrates the importance of making a nutritious meal and sharing in the process as a famly. Also be sure to check out Melissa’s newest book, DUMPLINGS FOR LILI (Norton . . .

Reading During The Pandemic: Poll Results

Thanks to all who responded to my Reading Habits poll! I’ve posted the results below. Please keep in mind that this survey was informal and in no way meant to be an accurate reflection of the industry as a whole. You can see my other informal surveys and polls here. And here . . .

Donalyn Miller’s 13th Annual #BookADay Challenge!

Hurray, it’s time for Donalyn Miller’s #BookADay challenge! The rules are forgiving and flexible. For more information, see Donalyn’s post in the Nerdy Book Club. I will be keeping track of my #BookADay posts in my BookADay and Book Recommendation page.

Donalyn Miller’s Social Distancing #BookADay Challenge!

Donalyn Miller’s #BookADay Challenge is usually in the summer. After talking with people on Twitter and Facebook, Donalyn (happily) decided to hold a Coronavirus social distancing #BookADay challenge, so that readers who miss talking with other readers can gather and share. You can see the “official” #bookaday guidelines on the . . .

Happy I Read Canadian Day!

Happy I Read Canadian Day! You don’t have to be Canadian to celebrate. One suggestion: Read a book by a children’s book creator for 15 minutes, then share your experience your experience with others. You can see what others are posting by browsing the #IReadCanadianDay hashtag on Twitter and other social media. Looking . . .

Humor in children’s books, animated GIFs for you to use, Happy Holidays!

(Note: feel free to use my GIPHY animations in your blog posts, too!) I find that I always hesitate a bit whenever I hear the phrase, “How are you doing?” There’s part of me that feels like answering, “Pandemic-fine.” Because like many others out there, I have behind-the-scenes stresses going . . .

How To Find Time To Read More Books In 2020

The best way to get young people to invest their time in reading is being willing to invest time in it ourselves. At the beginning of every year, I reevaluate my reading habits. I love to read but sometimes I find that reading gets put on the back burner more . . .