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Posts Tagged ‘Debbie Comics’

Comic: Back To School

Figured it was a good time to dust this comic off from the archives… Also see my Will Write For Chocolate comics.

New comic up on Writer Unboxed

I post a comic for writers on Writer Unboxed the first Saturday of every month. Just posted a new one this morning: “Finding Focus.”

The Joy and Angst of Reading A Good Book

I’m in the middle of reading DOLL BONES by Holly Black, illustrated by my friend Eliza Wheeler, and enjoying it so much that I find that I’m starting to purposely slow down my reading pace so the book will last longer. Comic originally posted on Writer Unboxed a few years ago.

Comic: The Book Title

This comic was inspired by a post by the anonymous Intern years ago, before she came out as her true self: Hilary T. Smith, author of the upcoming WILD AWAKE (Katherine Tegen Books/HarperCollins). See my recent interview with Hilary. Thanks to Hilary for permission to re-post the comic.