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Posts Tagged ‘Advice For Illustrators’

Copyright Infringement and Sharing Art Online

I recently got tagged on a post by someone sharing one of my writing-related comics on Twitter. I usually don’t mind this, but this time I discovered that the person had purposely stripped out all of my copyright info, name of my comic, URL to my comic and my byline, . . .

Poll Results: What Editors and Agents Look For In Social Media

In prep for my Social Media Masterclass for Authors and Illustrators at SCBWI-Midwest, I posted a survey for editors, agents and art directors and 25 responded. Only one freelance art director responded (feel free browse art directors’ responses in the similar poll in 2014, which also includes responses from editors . . .

Free, print-ready template: Insert for iPhone XS Max case with clear back

I recently started printing out and/or drawing on custom inserts for my iPhone XS Max case; I’m currently using an Otterbox Traction Series case with a clear back. In case anyone else wants to experiment with these as well, here’s a free, print-ready template (3 per page). ***I strongly advise printing out . . .