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How freelance illustrators find work (Illustration Surveys, Part 1)


Rejection Stories & Advice From published Kidlit/YA Creators

Pagination In Picture Book Submissions: Should You Or Shouldn’t You?

How Book Creators Cope With Other Creators’ Success

Productivity during the pandemic – Closed.

Reading habits during the pandemic (2021) – Closed. Results posted in my blog.

Importance of humor books for young readers – Closed. Results posted in my Nerdy Book Club post, “Humor Books: Why Readers Need Them More Than Ever.”

Reading habits (2020) – Closed.

Reading habits (2019) – Closed.

Kidlit/YA agents, editors & art directors online research – Closed.

August 2017

Kidlit/YA agents, editors & art directors online research – Closed.

August 2016

How do you read books? (print, ebook, audiobook) – Closed.

January 2016

While reading a book, have you ever skipped ahead to the end to find out how it ends? – Closed.

Anonymous survey for agents, editors and art directors – Closed.

August 2015

Do you dog-ear pages in books? – Complete.

How did you get your agent? – Complete.

December 2014

Are you giving any books this holiday season? – Complete.

October 2014

Anonymous survey for editors & literary agents: do you research potential clients online? – Complete

September 2014

Survey for published children’s book illustrator with an Etsy shop – Complete

March 2014

Do you like background noise when you’re working? – Complete

November 2013

What do you think of children’s books written for adults? – Complete.

October 2013

How many books are you reading right now? – Complete.

September 2013

What did you use as a bookmark in the last print book you read? – Complete.

Peek at ending? – Complete.

August 2013

Young people and ebooks – Complete.

May 2013

Emoticons and parentheses – Complete.

Have you ever purchased a self-published book? – Complete.

March 2013

How do you feel about the Amazon/Goodreads acquisition? – Complete.

Is it ok for authors to retweet praise for the own books? – In progress.

September 2012

When making a book purchase, do you prefer print or digital? – Complete.

October 2012

Book trailers: Do they work? – Complete.

How do you discover new books to read? – Complete.

Do you outline or not outline? – Complete.

December 2012

Have you read an e-book in the past year? Complete.