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For Writers

MiGwriters Blog Update: Interview with Ginger Knowlton of Curtis Brown Ltd

As I mentioned earlier, my MiGwriters group is posting a series of interviews with our agents all this week. Up today: Ginger Knowlton of Curtis Brown (MY agent, woohoo!) For more insights from book creators, see my Inkygirl Interview Archives and Advice For Young Writers And Illustrators From Book Creators.

Comic: Writer Research Or Procrastination?

I’m posting some of my older comics here as I catalog and tag them in prep for a print book compilation. You can find my comics for writers on Inkygirl (, Tumblr ( and Pinterest (

November 2011 is Picture Book Month

Picture Book Month is an international initiative to designate November as Picture Book Month, encouraging everyone to celebrate literacy with picture books. Founder, Dianne de Las Casas (author & storyteller), and Co-Founders, Katie Davis (author/illustrator), Elizabeth O. Dulemba (author/illustrator), Tara Lazar (author), and Wendy Martin (author/illustrator), are putting together their worldwide . . .

Happy 2nd Anniversary, Torkidlit!

Last night, I got together with some of the other members of the Toronto Middle Grade And YA Authors group at the Bedford Academy to celebrate our 2nd anniversary as a group. I still remember when Claudia Osmond approached each of us in Twitter about getting together in person in Toronto. I . . .