My life has had its ups and downs but these days it’s mostly been ups, and I’m grateful. I so wish we could save up these kinds of moments to take out when we most need them, don’t you? Appreciating what I have and the people in my life.
This space is reserved for Debbie’s Blatherings, which a personal blog she began back in April 1997. She be gradually moving over her posts from that blog but will be doing some editing since many of the links and images are broken because of multiple platform moves (including Greymatter, Moveable Type, Wordpress, Livejournal, and Squarespace). Thanks for your patience!
My life has had its ups and downs but these days it’s mostly been ups, and I’m grateful. I so wish we could save up these kinds of moments to take out when we most need them, don’t you? Appreciating what I have and the people in my life.
The news is official: Urban Tapestry (my filk music group) has been invited to be the Guests Of Honor at Conflikt in Seattle, WA next January! Toastmaster will be our dear friend Rob Wynne and the Interfilk Guest will be Brett Glass. Allison Durno, Jodi Krangle and I are totally thrilled! None of us . . .
UPDATED November 25, 2016: This is a post I made on my personal Facebook wall earlier this year. I’m posting it here so I can refer back to this post sometimes. For those of you don’t know me personally, feel free to follow me on what is going to be . . .
Neither Jeff nor I consider ourselves public dancers. We’ve never been into the nightclub dancing scene. At friends’ weddings, we’d rather sit and chat with people rather than go out on the dance floor. It depends on the crowd, though. I dance in my office in private sometimes. I know . . .
Doodled with a pomegranate seed during breakfast this morning. For lighting this time, I decided to take my pomegranate doodle outside to use the morning sunlight. As I experimented with tilting the piece of watercolour paper to minimize the shadow, I heard one of my neighbours leave for work and . . .
Gratitude Post: Thank you to Ryan Couldrey for his 2007 post in blogTO about my Will Write For Chocolate comic. Because of this post, interest in my webcomic soared and I also started getting a lot more Google juice in my online projects. Keep in mind that this was THREE YEARS before any . . .
Since my mother died and especially since my brother and his wife died, Christmas has never been the greatest time of the year for me. The insistent Christmas carols piped into shopping malls, the glitter and party atmosphere, the increased barrage of BUYBUYBUY…I get cranky, resentful, impatient of the crowds. Deep . . .
This post is about one of my closest friends, Luisa, who also recently made an appearance in My Life In A Nutshell.. I suspect she’ll want to contradict a bunch of this (e.g. “I am NOT a good cook!”) but she can go ahead because it’s MY list, so there. 🙂 . . .
Arg, I’m having major problems picking up my email today. Hope itclears up soon. Andrea Dale’s coming to visit today! I’ll try toget her to be a Guest Blatherer, of course. [ 3:34 PM ] GUEST BLATHERER: Take it away, Andrea… heh, heh heh, what can I stickon here while . . .