I recently had a chance to read the f&gs (which stands for “folded and gathered”, an unbound galley) for WHEREVER YOU GO, a new picture book coming out from Little, Brown in April, written by Pat Zietlow Miller and illustrated by my friend Eliza Wheeler.
LOVE THIS. When I read picture books for the first time (and second and third…) I usually read them out loud, and this one was so fun to read aloud with its rhythmical prose.
Young readers will appreciate the fun journey and look-more-closely-what-do-you-see gorgeous artwork. Adults will also appreciate the multi-layered interpretation of the prose. The following (especially when combined with the beautiful artwork on that spread) is just an example:
Every life landmark, the big and the small.
The moments you tripped,
the times you stood tall.”
*snif* (this wasn’t the only page spread that made me teary-eyed)
You can read the STARRED review of Wherever You Go on Kirkus Reviews.
Also see Debbie’s Reading Journal as well as Debbie’s Bookstagram.