Writers on Twitter are probably already familiar with Johanna Harness and #amwriting but if you’re not, you should be!
#Amwriting is an ongoing chat. You’re not expected to stay tuned-in constantly. The chat happens in the background of your writing day. It is a virtual watercooler for writers, a place you can hang out and talk to your colleagues about your current writing projects (and theirs) and then you get back to work. You are expected to pop in and out of chat as you write, so no one thinks anything of it if you disappear into your writing.
#Amwriting is a community. The writers here care about one another. We have member biographies, a store, discussion groups, help-a-writer classifieds, and a site full of resources. Both readers and writers are encouraged to join us: http://www.amwriting.org.
If you’re not sure how to use hashtags or attend chats on Twitter, please see my Twitter Chat Guide For Writers.
My only warning: Just be careful not to let yourself get so pulled into online socializing that you forget about your real purpose: to get more writing done!