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New To Bluesky? Here Are Some Tips

(Last updated June 23rd, 2024) – Shortlink to this post: Quick navigation: Book Launch threads – Bluesky Lists – Bluesky Feeds – Feed Index – Hashtags – Community event hashtags – Changing your handle to a custom domain *NEW* KidLit Mega Feed pulls in #KidLit content from moderated Lists . . .

Social Media and the KidLit Community: My (Updated) Personal Take

Quick navigation: Bluesky Lists – I’m mainly on Bluesky and Substack these days.*** UPDATED March 3, 2024: Also see my new Bluesky Tips: Community Engagement post! Spoiler alert: As you can tell from the image above and screenshot below of Melissa Stewart’s article in School Library Journal, Bluesky is currently . . .

My Thoughts: Social Media For Kidlit Book Creators in 2023

(Last updated January 1, 2023) [EDIT: I am no longer active on Ongoing tech issues and a changing user profile format (you’ll notice that none of my Post profile links in this article work anymore) discouraged me, but it was mainly the negativity that turned me off – the . . .

Rejection Stories & Advice From Published Kidlit/YA Creators

Ah, rejections. It’s part of the business, before and after publication. If you’d like to get straight to the poll results, feel free to browse the original Twitter thread about writer rejections. As someone who has received many rejections over the years, I am well acquainted. In the years I . . .

FAQ: How do I get started as a children’s book illustrator? (Part 1)

For more advice and resources, please visit my main FAQ: Answers To Frequently Asked Questions, especially my top pieces of advice for those who want to write or illustrate books for young people someday. I’ve been asked this many times but have postponed adding something “official” to my main FAQ . . .

POLL RESULTS: How book creators cope with other creators’ success

I recently posted a poll on Twitter, asking how creators cope with the occasional (or not so occasional) twinge of wistfulness or envy when hearing about a colleague’s success. I go through this sometimes as well, especially if I’m already feeling low or have been going through a rough time. . . .

Review of Paparazzo’s OLIVIA Content Creator Kit

I bought Paparazzo’s OLIVIA Content Creator Kit a while back and am so happy with it that I was compelled to create this short video; I made the purchase after someone (if you are this someone, please do remind me!) pointed me to an Instagram ad about Olivia. If you’re . . .