YAYYY! Donalyn Miller just announced the 8th Annual #BookADay Challenge on her blog.
Do read Donalyn’s inspiring post above about why she started the Challenge, how to involve young readers, the various ways you can approach it. An excerpt:
“It doesn’t matter if you actually read a book every day or not. Dedicate more time to read. Celebrate your right to read what you want. Make reading plans. Share and collect book recommendations. Connect with other readers.The #bookaday challenge is personal, not a competition. Finish that series. Tackle that epic historical your mother gave you for your birthday (last September). Try audiobooks. How would you like to grow as a reader this summer?”
I will be mainly be posting my #BookADay reads on Twitter at @inkyelbows but will link to posts in my #BookADay archives.
Yes, I do read books the rest of the year! But I love the specific summer reading challenge as extra motivation. I’ve been working a lot of weekends and evenings in recent months, and I think it would be good to get out of that habit and do more reading instead.