Last week on Twitter and Facebook, I asked how many books people were reading right now. I specified books that you were at least partway through and planned to keep reading within the next month. What I hadn’t taken into account: the number of editors out there — several of you said you didn’t answer the survey because you were in the midst of reading a LOT of manuscripts.
I was relieved to find out how many others have multiple books on the go. I have at least one print book in pretty much every room in our house, plus I also read books on my iPhone, my Kindle and my iPad.

Most of you have at least 2 books on the go, with 3% having more than 20 (!!!). The majority are in the midst of reading 3-10 books.
@janhoffman29 says that all the book she’s reading (5) are about improving her writing, illustrating or teaching methods stronger, or for her understanding of the app generation.
@edenza says she’s actively into 3-4 and has at least 3 on “standby,” which is her usual.
From my friend @randbellavia: “26 on my Kindle alone — I didn’t even bother to count the physical books.” The other respondent who checked the “More than 20” answer choice was @Aimeeereid.
@nobilis says he’s reading 5 and adds: “It’s really too many. Reading books by @planetx, @riznphnx, @teemonster and @philippajane, @cmpriest and LeGuin.”
Several of you also posted comments on Facebook but I didn’t include them here because I wasn’t sure if you minded me sharing them. Always comment via my survey form if you don’t mind your feedback being shared; you can remain anonymous or you can include your name/Twitter id/website.
You can also see other current and past surveys in Debbie’s other Surveys and Polls.