As some of you already know, I’ve been hugely grateful to the SCBWI for the career-changing opportunities that have come my way as a result of attending their events.
I sent them a thank you letter back in May, and SCBWI President Stephen Mooser replied as follows:
Hi Debbie—Wow and Congratulations—we keep a file and a posting of SCBWI Success Stories, and not only is yours one of the best, but it may also be the most entertaining of all time—you have made our day and we are so happy for your well deserved success—looking forward to seeing you again soon—all best wishes from all of us here at the office, Steve
Then in mid-September, The New York Times Sunday Book Review ran a very nice review of I’M BORED, and I sent out a public request for extra copies of the review, if anyone had it.
Today I came home from the cottage to find a copy of the review and a nice note from Steve on behalf of the SCBWI waiting for me.
I continue to be so grateful to the SCBWI for its continuing support of children’s book writers and illustrators. THANK YOU, SCBWI!!