I currently have over 21,000 followers in Twitter, and I’ve noticed that whenever I ask a question of interest to writers, I get quite a few great answers. Unless everyone uses the same hashtag, however, only I see replies. To help others benefit and exchange helpful info, I’ve decided to start up a series of informal surveys to do with writing, reading and publishing.
I’m using an upgraded Surveymonkey service, did a test run a while back, and am pleased with the interface/security. My test question: Do you own an ebook reader? 73% said yes.
Feel free to suggest survey questions, but please note that I am only interested in questions whose answers will ultimately help writers in their craft or business or knowledge of the industry, NOT for a specific project or promo.
Here’s the first official survey: When making a book purchase, do you prefer digital or print? Please answer here. Anyone who answers will see the aggregate results. I’ll post a more detailed summary in an upcoming Inkygirl post.
And if you have suggestions for future survey questions, please do post them below or use this form. Thanks!