I had great fun at the monthly Torkidlit (Toronto Area Middle Grade and YA Author Meetup) earlier this week. First-timers included: Julie Miller and Emily Pohl-Weary.
Nelsa Roberto brought a copy of her brand new YA book, THE BREAK(Great Plains Publications, 2012):

And Jo Karaplis had the coolest t-shirt:

And my sister came out to the meet up, yay!

I brought copies of my I’M BORED f&gs as well as TOMO:

For news about Torkidlit authors, see the Torkidlit News Facebook Page.
If you’re a Toronto area middle grade or young adult author, feel free to join our Torkidlit Facebook group to get notifications about upcoming meet ups.
Here’s what some Torkidlit members are up to these days:

Maureen McGowan
– Found out that her new series will be called THE DUST CHRONICLES. The first title, DEVIANTS, will be part of Marshall Cavendish’s Fall catalogue.

Jo Swartz
– Invited to do a workshop at TPL in October as part of the Young Writer’s Conference.

Cheryl Rainfield
http://cherylrainfield.com/– Pro Page on Facebook.
– Did a talk at York university, went beautifully!
– Did a radio show with Dr. Beth on self-harm, SCARS, ritual abuse, HUNTED
– HUNTED came out in Canada from Fitzhenry & Whiteside in February
– Having a launch for HUNTED on Mar.31st at Bakka-Phoenix Books, 4-6 pm

Karen Krossing
– Her book THE YO-YO PROPHET (Orca) was an Honorable Mention on the Ontario Library Assocation Best Bets List.
– Has written 10 chapters on her work-in-progress.

Megan Crewe
– Had a successful THE WAY WE FALL launch.
– If you’re in the Toronto area and want a signed copy of the book, stop by Bakka-Phoenix Books to get your hands on one.

Lena Coakley
– Has been invited to be a speaker at CANSCAIP’s Packaging Your Imagination conference
– Lena is also on sub and hopes to have news soon!

Mahtab Narsimhan
– THE TIFFIN is on the OLA Best Bets list for 2012, and is also shortlisted by CLA for the 2012 Children’s Book Award.

Marina Cohen
– Signed with John Cusick of Scott Treimel, NY

Nelsa Roberto
– Her new book, THE BREAK, just launched!

Tamara Leavitt
– Preparing to launch her picture book and ebook in the Spring

Anne Laurel Carter
– Teaching at the University of Toronto, Continuing Studies: “Writing For Children” on Saturdays 11-1:30 starting April 14th

Emily Pohl-Weary
It was Emily’s first time at a Torkidlit meet up! She’s revising a teen novel for Penguin Razorbill (Canada) and Marshall Cavendish (U.S.).

Ruth Ohi
My sister! Her new picture book just came out from Annick Press: CHICKEN, PIG, COW’S FIRST FIGHT.

Debbie Ridpath Ohi
My talk at last weekend’s Autodesk SketchBook Toronto Event went well (and I’m dreaming of that amazing Susur Lee 12-course dinner!). Also visited the offices of SImon & Schuster Canada to talk about I’M BORED promo and have been working on the I’M BORED scrapbook (covers the process of creating a picture book with Simon & Schuster Books For Young Readers).
To find out more about Torkidlit, see: