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Woohoo! My contributor’s copies of TOMO are here!!

YAY! My contributor’s copies of TOMO arrived today!! TOMO (which means “friend” in Japanese) features 36 stories for teens by authors and artists around the world. One of these stories is by me: it’s my very first graphic short story, which is sort of a fantasy/romance/horror. Here’s the first page:

Looking forward to reading other stories!

A portion of the proceeds from the sale of this book will benefit teens affected by the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake. Please do consider buying a copy, and tell your friends! You can point them to this online postcard about TOMO.

Find out more about the anthology here: an interview with me)

From Kirkus Reviews:

A broadly appealing mix of the tragic and droll, comforting, disturbing, exotic and universal, with nary a clinker in the bunch.

Buy on Indiebound

Buy on Amazon (On sale for $9.95 right now)

Be sure to visit the Tomo website to learn about our events this March at Boston Children’s Museum and the New York Public Library in Manhattan.

Tags: Inkygirl