Congrats to Writer’s Knowledge Base, who wins an Inkygirl Golden CupCake Award! Created by mystery author and writing advice curator Elizabeth Spann Craig (@elizabethcraig on Twitter) this search engine is specifically geared toward writers.
It’s a pretty amazing resource. Are you feeling dejected about a recent rejection? Entering “rejection” in the search field will turn up over 1400 posts on the topic! If you haven’t already, I encourage you to try it out yourself.
URL: http://hiveword.com/wkb/search

Established in July/2010, the Inkygirl Golden Cupcake Award is given to blogs or sites I find particularly inspirational to writers, especially those that may not already be well-known. Criteria is unapologetically subjective.
If you win the award, you do NOT have to display or acknowledge the award (but feel free, if so inclined). Just bask in the ephemeral, golden glory of online blog stardom and then move on, continuing to be an inspiration to the writing community. And THANK YOU for doing what you do.
Here is a list of recent winners of the Inkygirl Golden Cupcake Award.