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Debbie (Ohi) with a Crazed Squirrel – by Amanda Bohnhoff

The drawing above is what finally tipped me over the edge in terms of motivation to start this collection of Proof The Squirrels Are Trying To Take Over The World (it is NOT a new blog! Honest!). I’ve been getting SOOOOOO much great stuff from friends re: the Evilitude Of Squirrels, but nowhere to collect it.

Amanda’s mom, speculative fiction author Maya Bohnhoff, posted the above image in Facebook with the comment:

This is something Amanda drew when I told her her kitty cat looked more like a crazed squirrel. Naturally, this called for her to insert Debbie Ohi into the drawing.

Maya is not only a fantastic writer but also performs with her husband Jeff and daughter Kristine. Check out some of the sample tracks of their Grated Hits CD, for example….especially TRACK 5, which mentions squirrels!

You can find out more about the Bohnhoffs at