My new comic about the I’M BORED creation process
For those interested in comics, photos, interviews, sketches and info about how I’M BORED was created, do visit my I’M BORED Scrapbook.
For those interested in comics, photos, interviews, sketches and info about how I’M BORED was created, do visit my I’M BORED Scrapbook.
I’ve just written a long and somewhat rambling post about self-publishing and my Will Write For Chocolate book project over on MiGwriters today.
As I gradually catalog my writing comics in prep for a book compilation, I’m posting them here in Inkygirl:
I’m posting some of my older comics here as I catalog and tag them in prep for a print book compilation:
Just posted a post-conference comic on the MiG Writers blog. Still catching up on e-mail and other work but promise to post about my Simon & Schuster visit and the SCBWI conference very soon!
I created this set of comics to help break the ice when I attended my first SCBWI conference (or at least the first in a long time) in 2009, knowing that 99% of the people there wouldn’t know me. I was WAY nervous. I’m reposting the comics here in case . . .