A comic for other writers and illustrators who go through self-doubt during the creative process
A comic for other writers and illustrators who go through self-doubt during the creative process.
A comic for other writers and illustrators who go through self-doubt during the creative process.
“Picture books create readers from the ground up. Don’t rush children out of them.” – Jarrett J. Krosoczka.
I’m heading for NYC for the SCBWI Winter Conference and meetings. If you’re on Twitter, you can follow the action via the #NYC16SCBWI hashtag. If you see me there, please do say hi! Happy writing and illustrating, all!
As Ellen Jackson said, success as a writer or illustrator depends depends more on intelligent persistence than raw talent. Excerpt from Ellen’s excellent advice: “By ‘intelligent persistence’ I mean the ability to learn from mistakes, to figure out what you’re doing wrong, and then to change it. I know a . . .
Some days I wish I hadn’t read the Harry Potter books already just so I could read them again for the first time.