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Posts Tagged ‘Advice: Promo’

Creating book trailers for YA fiction anthology TOMO

As I’ve mentioned before, one of my short stories appears in the just-released YA fiction anthology, TOMO: Friendship Through Fiction (Stone Bridge Press, Mar/2012). Proceeds will benefit teens affected by the 2011 Japan quake/tsunami. I created two book trailers to help promote the anthology. The editor, Holly Thompson, helped me . . .

Daniel Nayeri: Book Commercials vs Book Trailers

Straw House, Wood House, Brick House, Blow – Wish Police Commercial from Candlewick Press on Vimeo. Instead of making a book trailer for Straw House, Wood House, Brick House, Blow, his collection of four novellas from Candlewick, Daniel Nayericommissioned four mini-commercials instead. LOVE these! They’re short and intriguing, and get a potential reader’s attention. Many of us . . .

Promoting My Book Projects On Second Life

My booth on Book Island in Second Life, where I promote my writing/illustration projects as well as sell writer gear (the latter to cover my Second Life expenses)