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Part 4: I WANT TO READ ALL THE BOOKS (Canine Inspiration, More Illustration Easter Eggs)

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Part 1 (Idea)Part 2 (Writing)Part 3 (Illustration)Part 4 (More Illustration Easter Eggs)Part 5 (Publication!)Cover Process

Curious about who or what inspired the bibliophile dog in I Want To Read All The Books?

His name is Archie!

For those that don’t know, the term “Easter egg” is often used to refer to a reference hidden in a work of art. One of these in my book: the “A” on the dog’s tag. It stands for Archie!

Here’s some behind-the-scenes extra info about the illustration showing the small library. Palmerston library is a real library, a branch of the Toronto Public Library. As I mentioned in part 3, I used to work there!

The larger library in the book was inspired by the Toronto Reference Library. The exterior scene includes an illustration of my Mom and Dad. My mother passed away many years ago, but I drew her as I imagined she would look today. The couple on the far right? My husband Jeff and me!

The wide angle interior spread took me a LONG time. Some of the people in this illustration were based on real-life family and friends with whom I was was in touch while working on the final touches for this spread.

For example, in the wide angle illustration of the Toronto Reference Library:

Just one example:

Continued in Part 5