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SAM & EVA Creative Collab Challenge

(Last updated November 30, 2022)

Welcome to Debbie’s SAM & EVA Creative Collaboration page!

(Update November 22, 2022: I will be opening up applications to my newsletter subscribers in early 2023.)

SAM & EVA is Debbie’s solo picture book with Simon & Schuster Books For Young Readers, and is about creative collaboration and friendship. You can find out more about the book and how it was created PLUS free print-ready activity sheets at the Sam & Eva Bonus Page.

Debbie loves creative collaboration! You can see some of posts by Debbie and others for past Sam & Eva collab challenges by browsing the #SamEvaCollab hashtag on Twitter. Thanks to all the schools who participated in my collab last year! I had so much fun that I’ve decided to do this again in the 2022-2023 school year, opening it up first to my newsletter subscribers to avoid being overwhelmed like I was last year – if I have still have slots available after hearing from newsletter subscribers, then I will open it up publicly. Thanks for understanding; not only does it take me time to create, package and mail art plus put together the follow-up videos, but I’m paying for this out of my own pocket. ?

In a nutshell: I send you a piece of original art on leftover art paper or clean cardboard from my recycling bin. You and your students use that piece as a prompt for a group art display, post final result on social media with #SamEvaCollab hashtag. In thanks, I’ll create a short private video just for you and your students. Scroll down to the end of this page for more details.

Before filling out the form near the bottom of this page, PLEASE make sure you read the guidelines below. Because she is funding this from her own pocket and also needs to protect time for her other work, for example, she asks that only ONE form be filled out per school – thank you!

For the 2021-2022 year, Debbie invited schools around the world to do a creative collaboration with her.


1. Debbie will send you a signed piece of art by snailmail. The drawing will be simple (and such that it can be easily turned into part of a creature or scene, e.g. eyes or mouth or head or limbs, etc.) drawn on cardboard or scrap art paper from her studio.

2. You and your students will use Debbie’s art for a creative collaboration. Some ideas: integrate Debbie’s piece into a bigger display of student art for your school wall (physical or digital), involve more students by having them add their own imaginary creatures, have students copy Debbie’s piece and then add their own art. For schools who have students learning from home, you could take a photo of Debbie’s original piece and email it to them, have them add to the art digitally or print it out and then add their own art. Debbie is open to any family-friendly collaboration!

3. Publicly post the photo(s) or screenshot(s) on social media with the #SamEvaCollab hashtag within 2 months of receiving your collab package. In return, Debbie will send the school a short, personalized video thanking the participating students/classes, and encouraging their creative efforts. ONE video per school. Once she sees your post, Debbie will create and deliver the video within 2 weeks (sooner if possible, but it will depend heavily on her work and travel schedule at the time). NOTE: This video is JUST for your school; please do not share the link publicly. Please also let her know via her Contact Form, just in case she misses the social media notification.

Schools can be in any country are welcome. Homeschooling groups with a minimum 10 students are also welcome. To save on mailing costs and also make it possible for Debbie to do AND still get her work done, she asks that interested schools fill out ONE form per school.


For those who filled out the form and received confirmation, here is a copy of the Sam & Eva Creative Collaboration Guidelines.