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On poetry, language and Robert Lee Brewer’s ESCAPE

I used to hate poetry. I blame scholarly literary dissection and school. My memory (which, I admit, may be tainted by early years of accumulated hatred) is one of many hours of tortuous analysis, taking a few simple lines of text that I kind of thought were cool at first . . .

Nanotoon comics from the archives

Looks like the NaNoWriMo blog is posting the comics that Errol and I created once a week instead of daily, so we’ll be creating just two more comics for the NaNoWriMo site. To satisfy those looking for daily NaNotoons, however, I’ll be posting some comics from the archives as well . . .

Online Community For YA Writers: YALitChat

YA author Georgia McBride has started up a community for YA writers on Ning called YALitChat. YALitChat is named after the #YALitChat group on Twitter, founded by Georgia: #YAlitchat is a weekly twitter chat for anyone involved in the writing, editing , marketing or publishing of Young Adult literature. #YAlitchat takes place at 9PM EST . . .