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Art and Comics

Comic: Book Purge Angst

Gah. I have (once again) reached the point where there is no more room on my office bookshelves for new books, so I’ve been piling my “to read” books on the floor — but these are starting to get tippy. I know I need to give away older books I’ll . . .

Poll Results: What Editors and Agents Look For In Social Media

In prep for my Social Media Masterclass for Authors and Illustrators at SCBWI-Midwest, I posted a survey for editors, agents and art directors and 25 responded. Only one freelance art director responded (feel free browse art directors’ responses in the similar poll in 2014, which also includes responses from editors . . .

ME, as I work on my middle grade novel.

No guarantee that my middle grade novel will ever be published; that’s out of my control. I’m trying to focus on what I can control: (1) Writing the best book I possibly can, and (2) FINISHING the book.