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Scheming Squirrels and Ancient Plants: Coincidence or Part Of The Master Plan?

Scientists in Russia have grown plants from fruit stored away in permafrost by squirrels over 30,000 years ago, according to the BBC. My friend Dave Weingart sent the link with the comment, “Maybe not all squirrels are evil.” My answer: HA! I’m sure those squirrels from ancient times were storing away . . .

Squirrel Needlework by June King

I am so terrible at needlework so am not sure if this is called needlepoint or cross-stitch, but it’s by my friend June King: Gorgeous piece, even if it IS of a squirrel! 🙂 From June, who says that this guy is stealing her walnuts: “I love stitching things with . . .

A Purple Squirrel??

Thanks to France Andrews Zeve for directing me to this bizarre story of purple squirrels. Though I still can’t help but think this photo was Photoshopped. Too strange!

Squirrel/Chipmunk Softie: Deceptively Cute

Cuuute glove squirrel/chipmunk! Thanks to Alice Ching-Chew for the image. My only fear: This depiction of squirrels gives people the mistaken impression that squirrels are cute and loveable while downplaying their Evil Horde World Domination aspect. I did some hunting around, and it looks as if the image is from Happy . . .

A (Disturbing) Squirrel’s Guide To Fashion

Thanks to Christie Harkin for alerting me to this disturbing slide show on the Time Life website. Apparently a woman in the 40’s actually adopted a squirrel and dressed it up in various costumes. Eek!