Behind-The-Scenes Process: I Want To Read ALL The Books
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(Last updated: September 13, 2024)

Cover Reveal & Cover Process: How The Cover Was Created
Part 1: Coming Up With The Idea
How the story idea was inspired by my own childhood, volunteering in my school library, my continuing towering “to read” pile, an inspiring comment from Brenda Bowen.
Part 2: Writing The Book
What I do when I come up with a book idea, paginating my story text, experimenting with different layouts for each illustration spread, link to free book creator templates.
Part 3: Illustrating The Book
Creating real-life textures to use in my book art, how real-life libraries, librarians, indie bookstores, and booksellers helped inspire my illustrations, plus working for the Toronto Public Library as well being a bookseller at Lindsay’s Books For Children in Toronto.
Part 4: More Illustration Easter Eggs
Canine inspiration, family and friends in illustrations, other Easter eggs.
Part 5: Publication!
Looking for more behind-the-scenes peeks in the book creation process? See my How The Book Was Created index!