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Part 5: I WANT TO READ ALL THE BOOKS Process (Publication)

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Part 1 (Idea)Part 2 (Writing)Part 3 (Illustration)Part 4 (More Illustration Easter Eggs)Part 5 (Publication!)Cover Process

My author/illustrator books have arrived!

No matter how many books I help create, I’m always excited to finally able to hold a copy of the final finished book in my hands. Thanks to my husband Jeff for the unboxing videography. ❤️

One reason I’m especially excited: I Want To Read ALL The Books is my first solo picture book (a book that I both wrote and illustrated) in nearly seven years.

When I posted this video on another platform, I had a few people comment on how great it was that I could still get excited over a new book, given the fact that I’ve had quite a few published already.

Here’s the thing: I never take it for granted that I will have more books published.

The industry changes. People move, switch companies, etc. Things can change in a heartbeat.

What I’ve learned:

To not be so focused on achieving success (however you define that) that I forget to appreciate the journey.