To those finishing their #NaNoWriMo stories: congrats! Be proud. But whatever you do, RESIST THE URGE to send it out on submission right away. Let it sit for a while first. Then edit. Also, agents/editors often get inundated with unedited mss right after NanoWriMo, so are more likely to be . . .
Writing challenges can be inspiring and fun, but always remember WHY you are doing them. If you’re just doing them for fun, of course, the writing part is secondary. Commiserate with others on the message boards! Go to the kickoff parties! If you’re doing a writing challenge in hopes of . . .
To those doing NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) this month: good luck! I’ve done NaNoWriMo a few times and even gotten a couple of novels finished. The biggest reasons I did the NaNoWriMo challenge was to help get me back into the daily habit of writing and also for the online community . . .
Having fun with Inktober this month! I’ve been doing mostly non-digital art with real-life inks but today opted for digital because I was short on time. You can see some of my other Inktober posts on Instagram.
My home studio is a cluttered basement office underground with no windows. Well, there ARE windows but the view is either blocked or covered up. Sometimes I work to silence, but I’m always leery about getting TOO used to working this way because I want to be able to work . . .