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Squirrel Needlework by June King

I am so terrible at needlework so am not sure if this is called needlepoint or cross-stitch, but it’s by my friend June King: Gorgeous piece, even if it IS of a squirrel! 🙂 From June, who says that this guy is stealing her walnuts: “I love stitching things with . . .

A Purple Squirrel??

Thanks to France Andrews Zeve for directing me to this bizarre story of purple squirrels. Though I still can’t help but think this photo was Photoshopped. Too strange!

Squirrel/Chipmunk Softie: Deceptively Cute

Cuuute glove squirrel/chipmunk! Thanks to Alice Ching-Chew for the image. My only fear: This depiction of squirrels gives people the mistaken impression that squirrels are cute and loveable while downplaying their Evil Horde World Domination aspect. I did some hunting around, and it looks as if the image is from Happy . . .

A (Disturbing) Squirrel’s Guide To Fashion

Thanks to Christie Harkin for alerting me to this disturbing slide show on the Time Life website. Apparently a woman in the 40’s actually adopted a squirrel and dressed it up in various costumes. Eek!