Press & Interviews
(Last updated September 16, 2024)
Inspirational Interview with Children’s Book Creator Debbie Ridpath Ohi – by Melissa Taylor, Imagination Soup
Interview with Debbie Ridpath Ohi about I Want To Read All The Books! – by Tonja Drecker, Bookworm For Kids
Interview “Always Pushing Forward with Debbie Ridpath Ohi” by Theo Baker in SCBWI Podcasts. Season 8, April 26th, 2024.
Interview in The Teaching Librarian (May 2024 issue): “Meet The Author, Debbie Ridpath Ohi” by Martha Brack Martin. The Teaching Librarian is the official magazine of the Ontario School Library Association.
Review of I’M SORRY by Margie Myers-Culver in Librarian’s Quest.
Starred review in Youth Services Book Review (Massachusetts Librarians review blog) – by Katrina Yurenka
How educator Tina Cho uses I’M SORRY with students for social emotional learning: TBR Blog / Educators Connecting Students and Books
Interview and giveaway with author and illustrator Debbie Ridpath Ohi about the newest book in the I’M… series: by Kaitlyn Leann Sanchez on her Math Is Everywhere blog.
Toronto Life magazine asked me for my book recommendation! (August 2021 issue)
Freedom interviewed me about prioritization, making time for play, and how I carve out time to pursue my creative passions and projects. (July 15, 2021)
Matt Rainnie (CBC radio, Mainstreet PEI) interviewed me about how I developed my love of creating stories, my work and participation in Canadian Children’s Book Week. (May 3, 2021)
Thanks to Linda Ludke and 29th Kids for including I’M WORRIED in “Eight Books That Help Support Mental Wellness In Students.”
Participated in The Authors’ Guild panel about school visits with Paulette Bogan, Floyd Cooper, Carmen Oliver, and Pat Cummings (moderator).
SimonKids Snack & Read Live: I talk about snacking, Gurple & Preen, and do a character brainstorming art activity!
Gave an Authors Village webinar with Kevin Sylvester about Virtual Visits For Authors And Illustrators.
Graphic Novel Workshop for young creators at Campbell County Library, KY. Virtual event.
Guest author on Joyful Reading session with Donalyn Miller and Jennifer LaGarde via Author Village. Watch replay here.
Doodle With Me at FOLDKids – I read from Gurple and Preen, showed young artists and writers how to brainstorm character and story ideas through found object doodles.
Tears, Fears, and Finding Your Way: Social Emotional Learning Through Books – Was a panelist along with Elly Swartz, Ashley Woodfolk and Charlotte Agell. Moderator: Kim Campbell. Hosted by South Portland Public Library.
Featured Author on The Book Pantry (Simon & Schuster Children’s Education & library). Activity videos, interviews, resources and more.
Blue Willow Bookshop launch event playback: Linda Sue Park reads our new picture book, GURPLE AND PREEN, and I do an art activity.
Take A Page video for young creators about how I created the illustrations in GURPLE AND PREEN, broken crayon activities and more, hosted by Simon Kids on their YouTube channel.
Gurple and Preen: Interview with Debbie Ridpath Ohi – by Dylan Teut on Mile High Reading.
Interview with Linda Sue Park and me about Gurple and Preen – by Judy Bradbury on Children’s Book Corner.
Interview with Linda Sue Park and me about Gurple and Preen – by Erin Dealey.
Simply 7 with Debbie Ridpath Ohi and Linda Sue Park, Gurple and Preen – by Jena Benton.
Thanks to CBC Books for mentioning me in their Aug.6/2020 article about Canadians who have been encouraging kids to engage in summer reading.
Debbie Ridpath Ohi On Putting Love And Heart On The Page by Karri Yano for Nikkei Voice: The Japanese Canadian National Newspaper, Summer Issue.
Video interview with Josh Funk on his Funk and Friends Instagram Live show.
My interview on Stephen Hurley’s I Value Canadian Stories: The Podcast.
My interview on Super Jane Smith’s blog
Josh Gad (voice of Olaf in Frozen) did a read-aloud of I’M BORED!
Thanks to Indigo for featuring me on their Instagram feed!
Thanks to NBC Today for including I’M WORRIED in their round-up of 13 Books To Ease Kids’ Anxiety About Coronavirus.
I talked about broken crayons and did my first-ever Gurple and Preen drawing demo on CCBC’s Bibliovideo channel.
5 Favorites From Debbie Ridpath Ohi – On Karlin Gray’s blog.
All The Wonders This Week With Debbie Ridpath Ohi: October 1st, 2019 chosen by Writer’s Digest for its annual “Best Websites For Writers” list
#KTWriteOn With Illustrator Debbie Ridpath Ohi: Sequential Art
I’M WORRIED review in The Little Crooked Cottage: “…A great read-aloud choice for grown-ups looking for books for their own little worriers.”
I’m Bored, I’m Sad and I’m Worried series win “Best Illustrations” award in Mrs. McDaniel’s 2nd grade Bookcademy Awards at Grange Elementary School!
Michael Ian Black talks about I’m Worried on the Today Show.
Honoured to be Avoca West ITC’s celebrity illustrator this year.
PEI Potato Board likes I’m Bored!
I’M SAD review from @TheCookieCounselor on Instagram. “I love the message that it is okay to feel sad, and loved ones will still care about you no matter how you feel.”
Get To Know…Debbie Ridpath Ohi – by Jarrett Lerner.
Review of I’M WORRIED in CanLit For LittleCanadians – by Helen Kubiw.
Review of I’M WORRIED in Kirkus: “A great launchpad for sharing about worries and developing vocabulary for thorny feelings.”
Review of I’M WORRIED in That’s Another Story: “This book is a must for a classroom collection!” – Andrea Mack.
Review of I’M WORRIED in Publisher’s Weekly.
Review of Naked! on I Read Kids’ Books Journal.
An Interview With Author/Illustrator Debbie Ridpath Ohi – by Jane Kelley, for SCBWI-Midwest Conference. Topic: introverts, promotion, social media, my big break.
Visiting Writer/Illustrator during VCFA’s MFA In Writing For Children and Young Adults residency, working with Uma Krishnaswami’s Picture Book Intensive students.
Faculty: Highlights Foundation’s Getting To Know Your Picture Book, 2018.
SAM & EVA is a finalist in the CCBC Book Awards for the Marilyn Baillie Picture Book Award!
My photos from SCBWI-LA 2018 (I was on faculty for the first time!)
My I’M SAD book tour report 2018 (multi-part, with photos)
My photos from nErDcampmi 2018
Getting By With A Little Help From Your Friends – Nice review of I’M SAD by Julie Danielson in Kirkus (June 15, 2018).
Nice review of I’M SAD in Librarian’s Quest by Margie Myers-Culver.
Colby Sharp’s video review of I’M SAD.
Thanks to educator and Global Read Aloud creator Pernille Ripp for her #PernilleRecommends of I’M SAD.
Nice review of Sam & Eva in the Children Book Academy’s Blogfish, by Sarah Mom Romero.
Nice review of I’m Sad in Quill & Quire, June 2018: “I’M SAD is a bubbling Socratic dialogue on overcoming the blues.”
Nice review of I’m Sad in Kirkus Reviews May 15, 2018 issue: “Bibliotherapy done right.”
I’m Sad is on ABA’s Summer 2018 Kids’ Indie Next list!
Sam & Eva review by Caroline Fernandez in Parent Club
Sam & Eva was chosen by the Bank Street College Of Education’s list: “The Best Children’s Books Of The Year, 2018 Edition” (Sam & Eva was listed with an Outstanding Merit note!)
My Guest Post on Get To Know Your Picture Book Before You Start Revising
Sam & Eva book recommendation – Beth Stilborn
Publishers Weekly post about the Judy Blume 80th birthday event in NYC: I had so much fun doing the young readers’ event with Jacqueline Woodson, Rachel Vail, Soman Chainani and (of course) Judy Blume!
Judy Blumesday post by Scholastic News Kids reporter Josh Stiefel
Simply 7 Interview with Debbie Ridpath Ohi – “Sam & Eva”: my artistic journey, advice for aspiring picture book writers and illustrators, more.
The Blob Blog – Guest Artist: Author Illustrator Debbie Ridpath Ohi – by Amy Nielander
Sam & Eva To The Rescue: How an educator used Sam & Eva to help third-graders find solutions to creative collab challenges.
Sam & Eva selected by CBC Books for their list of Best Canadian Young Adult and Children’s Books Of 2017!
Storymamas Spotlight On Debbie Ridpath Ohi: I answer questions about Sam & Eva, my office cave, my picture book creation process, stuff in my fridge.
Six Books Debbie Ohi Would Love To Illustrate: CBC Books asked me what books I would love to illustrate.
Getting Squirrelly with Debbie Ridpath Ohi: I explain to young readers how to draw the squirrel fromWHERE ARE MY BOOKS? in Darlene Jacobson’s blog.
Had a wonderful time at AASL in Phoenix, AZ! Especially had fun on a panel with Molly Idle, Christian Robinson, Dan Santat and David Shannon.
I told CBC Books what books I’d love to illustrate someday.
SAM & EVA has launched! You can see some of the photos from my Toronto launch at A Different Booklist here.
All The Wonders podcast’s Matthew Winner interviews me on his blog
Thanks to CecCeLibrarian for the nice review of SAM & EVA in her blog!
My contribution to Litter I See Project (litter-inspired writing by Canadian Writers, for literacy)
Thanks to Publisher’s Weekly for the nice review of SAM & EVA!
SAM & EVA included in CBC Books list of 10 Picture Books You’ll Want To Check Out This Fall.
I had so much fun at Nerd Camp and Nerd Camp Jr this year! See my Nerd Camp 2017 blog post.
Thanks to Writer’s Digest for including their annual list of 101 Best Websites For Writers again this year! You can buy/download the May/June 2017 issue here.
An Interview With Debbie Ridpath Ohi – by Camilia Kahrizi on her author book marketing blog.
Quill & Quire cover feature (!!!) about me, June 2017 issue – by Heather Camlot.
Debbie Ohi’s Creative Process – by Elizabeth Dulemba.
Learning From Picture Books: SEA MONKEY & BOB – by Andrea Mack on That’s Another Story
Children’s Book Reviews: Where Are My Books? – by Linda Ludke, Naional Reading Campaign
How The Redesigned Judy Blume Covers Avoid Nostalgia And Embrace Universe Adolescent Angst – by Constance Grady on Vox
The 10 Amazing Modernised Judy Blume Book Covers You Need In Your Life – by Claire Cohen of The Telegraph.
My book recommendations for the Toronto Public Library
I had a great time at the SCBWI-NYC Annual Winter Conference, where I was on faculty and participated in panels during the Illustrators’ Intensive.
Meet Ruth and Debbie – Thanks to the Toronto Public Library for inviting us to be part of their TPL Stories project!
Storystorm Guest Post: “Bake Your Darlings” – about giving your story ideas time.
Fun photo by Christine Sarmel about my snailmail replies to several classes at her school
Fun photo by Ms. McDermid on Twitter from a recent Skypevisit
12×12 December 2016 Featured Author – Thanks to 12×12 for inviting me!
November 26, 2016: The Business Of Writing seminar, hosted by the Canadian Children’s Book Centre. I was on a panel along with Helaine Becker, Felicia Quon (Simon & Schuster Canada) and Joel Sutherland.
October 4, 11, 18, 25, 2016: Gave a graphic novel workshop as part of the Toronto Public Library’s Sophie’s Studio program.
5 Tips On Writing & Illustrating Children’s Books From Debbie Ridpath Ohi – On The Writer’s Dig by Brian Klems | Writer’s Digest.
Had a wonderful time at the Missouri Library Association conference, where I received my MLA Building Block Picture Book Award (Illustrator) for NAKED! Thanks to all the preschoolers and kindergarteners who voted for the book.
Interview with Debbie Ridpath Ohi: on The Stories We Read blog, by Stephanie.
Audio podcast: How To Be A Children’s Author & Illustrator With Debbie Ridpath Ohi – Episode 8: I was interviewed on The WritersMarket Podcast by Robert Lee Brewer and Brian A. Klems.
Meet The Illustrator: Debbie Ridpath Ohi: I talk about why I read scary books, why I do food doodles, offer tips for young artists and more. Interview by editors of Brightly.
Lucille Clifton’s Lingering Legacy: Thanks to bookseller Kenny Brechner for including the cover of Mitzi Tulane is this moving tribute to the great African American poet and children’s book author.
A Mirror, A Window, And A Sliding Door: great post by Lauren McLaughlin about why she wrote Mitzi Tulane.
Picture Book Picks: Perfect For Summer!: Thanks to librarian Michelle for including Where Are My Books? in her summer reading list.
Diversity In Children’s Books, Transracial Adaptive Families and MITZI TULANE: guest post by Lauren McLaughlin and yours truly on the Nerdy Book Club blog.
Probing An Illustrator’s Mind: Ann Marie Meyers interviewed me on her blog. I talk about my food doodles, what I want young writers and readers to know, when I first knew I wanted to be a writer, what very few people know about me, my go-to comfort computer game.
My hyper 60 Second Challenge with Toronto CityNews
Interview with Debbie Ridpath Ohi, Illustrator of Mitzi Tulane Preschool Detective in What’s That Smell? – by Lauren McLaughlin (author of Mitzi Tulane books)
Review of WHERE ARE MY BOOKS? by Elizabeth B. Martin, Author/Illustrator
April 19, 2016: Enjoyed meeting the winners of the Toronto Public Library Design-A-Bookmark contest for young artists.
Debbie Ridpath Ohi: Author/Illustrator Perspective – Kite Tales piece about my keynote at SCBWI-LA Writer’s Day, “Introverts, Rejections and Lightning Rods,” by Sarah Parker-Lee.
Thanks to Shari Daniels for the sweet post about me: “Who Are Your Secret Social Media Inspirationalists?”
ReFoReMo Day 21: Debbie Ridpath Ohi Considers Reader Experience – my guest post for Reading For Research Month.
March: Had a fantastic time being on faculty at SCBWI-LA Regional Writer’s Day! You can see some of my photos on FB.
Review of Where Are My Books? on Page2Screen.
Where Are My Books? chosen by the Ontario Library Association for their OLA 2015 Best Bets Top Ten Picture Books list.
Naked! won the 2015 Missouri Building Block Picture Book Award, voted for by preschoolers and kindergarteners in Missouri’s public libraries.
GeekDad’s “Stack Overflow: Stories About Stories” includes Where Are My Books?
WHERE ARE MY BOOKS included in the Strand Book Store’s list of Overlooked or Underrated Books of 2015
Seven Questions Over Breakfast with Debbie Ridpath Ohi on Julie Danielson’s blog, Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast.
Where Are My Books? featured on PictureThisBook’s IG feed.
Top 10 Picture Books Of 2015 (Scholastic Teacher’s Blog) – Thanks to Brian Smith for including Where Are My Books?
Best Books For Kids & Teens, Winter Edition 2015 – Thanks to The Canadian Children’s Book Centre for including Where Are My Books?
Got Stuff? Make Art With Debbie Ridpath Ohi – by Darlene Beck-Jacobson.
Authors and Gracious Goodness – Thanks to Barbara Moon for the shoutout in this post about authors supporting each other. review of Where Are My Books?
The Exquisite Corpse: Elly MacKay, Nathan Jurevicius & Debbie Ohi, With Allan Woodrow – On Kinderlit
NAKED! nominated for the 2015 Missouri Building Block Picture Book Award
Best Tweeps For Writers To Follow 2015 – Thanks to Writer’s Digest editor Robert Lee Brewer for including me on this list!
Staff Review: Where Are My Books? – Thanks to Suzanna Tolman of
Kid Lit Reviews: Where Are My Books? – Thanks to Kid Lit Reviews for reviewing Where Are My Books?
Diapers & Daydreams reviews Where Are My Books?
Young Spencer Talks About Where Are My Books? – Kid Lit Reviews interviewed the main character of my book!
Five Great Picture Books – Thanks to Darlene Beck-Jacobson for including Where Are My Books? in this post!
The Proust-Esque Questionnaire: Debbie Ridpath Ohi – Kinderlit interviewed me for their site!
Lovely picture books for your kids on sharks, poetry, North Woods life and more – Nice review of Where Are My Books? in the StarTribune, by L.K. Hanson. “It all unfurls marvelously, a testimony to Debbie Ridpath Ohi’s nimble gifts for storytelling and wry artistic humor.”
Children’s Book Reviews: Where Are My Books? – by librarian Linda Ludke, on the National Reading Campaign website
Librarian’s Quest review of Where Are My Books?
“Postcards from Nerdcamp: PD gets fun in a grassroots unconference on literacy” by Travis Jonker in School Library Journal. I’m in two of the photos, including the one at the top!
July 6-7, 2015: NerdCampMi: Had so much fun! Was on several author panels, a Draw-Off and did an art workshop with Nerd Camp Junior attendees.
WHERE ARE MY BOOKS? listed by LA Times in their “30 Summer Books That Kids Will Gobble Up” article
Photo of my book signing at ALA 2015 made it into Publisher Weekly’s photo roundup! Thanks to my editor, Justin Chanda, for taking the photo my my WHERE ARE MY BOOKS? signing in the Simon & Schuster booth.
Review of WHERE ARE MY BOOKS? on BookDragon: Books For The Multi-Culti Reader
“You Need To See This Updated Judy Blume Cover” by Megan Cassidy on
Sat. May 30, 2015: Cartooning Duel with Kevin Sylvester and Debbie Ridpath Ohi at Innisfill Public Library.
I had my own window at Book City Danforth!
WHERE ARE MY BOOKS? included in the Indigo Kids’ Summer Reads Flyer (yay!)
WHERE ARE MY BOOKS? Interview with Debbie Ohi on Picture Book Builders – by Eliza Wheeler.
Barnes & Nobleincludes WHERE ARE MY BOOKS? in their B&N Reads: May Top Picks In Picture Books.
Q3 2015 issue of Scratch Magazine includes my illustrated essay with a letter to my younger self.
Wed. May 13, 2015 – Cartooning Duel with Kevin Sylvester and Debbie Ridpath Ohi at Chapters Woodbridge.
May 4-9, 2015: WHERE ARE MY BOOKS? Book Tour. Included visits with Anderson’s Bookshops (Downer’s Grove location), Scuppernong Books, Books, Bytes and Beyond and WORD Jersey City as well as schools and libraries.
10 Things I’ve Learned Since Getting My First Picture Book Contract – My post on
Skypevisit with Headwater Hills (Caledon, ON) K-8 about I’M BORED and (older students) a Q&A about creating picture books. Thanks to Nancy Ernst Richards for organizing. (Mar. 25, 2015).
Skypevisit with Highland Elementary (Highland, NY) 2nd graders about I’M BORED. Thanks to Susan Walterich for organizing. (Mar. 24, 2015)
Skypevisit with Rollinsford Grade School (NH) students about NAKED! as well as a comics writing workshop. Thanks to Shawn Coppola for organizing! (Mar. 18, 2015)
Podcast interview with Dan Blank about taking risks
Skypevisit with Newport Elementary (Newport, MN), 130 PK-2 students. Thanks to Jen Sterner for organizing! (Feb. 25, 2015).
Google+ Hangout with Luxemburg-Casco Primary School (Luxemburg, WI), 2nd graders. Thanks to Zach Roush for organizing! (Feb. 23, 2015)
Skypevisit with Albany Avenue Elementary (North Massapequa, NY) kindergarten students. Thanks to Carolyn O’Gorman for organizing! (Jan. 26, 2015)
Skypevisit with Grade 4/5 at Dr. Morris Gibson School. Thanks to Tracy Tuttosi for organizing my visit!
Hanging Out With An Illustrator – Thanks to teacher-librarian Shawna Ford for this post about my Google Hangout with the second-graders at Curtis Elementary.
STARRED REVIEW for Where Are My Books in Kirkus Reviews!
Read Debbie’s report (with photos!) about her NAKED! Book Tour in April 2014.
NAKED!‘s been Gooped! Thanks to Goop for including the book in Children’s Books From Unexpected Authors.
NAKED! listed in Juliana Lee’s Best Picture Books Of 2014 list.
12 Days Of Christmas: Debbie Ohi – Christmas memories on Christopher Cheng’s blog.
Illustrator Illuminations: Debbie Ohi – Middle Grade Mafia interviews me about illustrating Judy Blume and Michael Ian Black books, art and process, and tips for aspiring children’s book illustrators.
NAKED! listed as a 2014 Favourite Storytime Picture Book by children’s librarians Dana Horricks and Lindsey Krabbenhoft on Jbrary.

NAKED! was listed as one of “2014’s best in books for kids and young adults” by National Post‘s Anna Fitzpatrick. “Naked is the duo’s second collaboration (after last year’s I’m Bored), and the two have once again proven themselves at being the most adept in summing up the frustrations of childhood.”
NAKED! named one of the Top 12 Books Of 2014 by’s teacher blogger Brian Smith. “The illustrations are such a great match for the feel of the book that it really makes it one of the best books of the year.”
WHERE ARE MY BOOKS? included in Buzzfeed’s list of 25 Absurdly Delightful Books To Read With Kids In 2015.
Skyped with six classes of 3rd graders at Parkview Center School (Roseville, MN) and Mason-Rice Elementary (Newon, MA). Thanks to elementary school library Jennifer Reed for her blog post about the event.
Thrilled that I’M BORED has been nominated for the 2014-2015 Minnesota Star Of The North Picture Book Award!
Skyped with Mrs. Brooke’s 2nd grade class and 115 first-graders at A. Blair McPherson in Edmonton, AB.
Talked about NAKED! at the INSPIRE! Toronto International Book Fair as well as participating in a panel about redesigning classic book covers.
Gave a workshop on personal branding at CANSCAIP’s Packaging Your Imagination conference.
Interviewed by Maria Ashworth on her Just A Note blog
Interviewed by The Canadian Children’s Book Centre in their September 2014 newsletter
CANSCAIP Interview with me as part of their 2014 Packaging Your Imagination conference speaker interviews
Interview with Children’s Book Illustrator Debbie Ridpath Ohi – Henry Herz, San Diego Children’s Books Examiner
Debbie Ridpath Ohi’s Studio Tour – Part of Andrea Skyberg’s Tuesday Tour series.
NAKED! Book Giveaway – On Weewelcome: Have A Baby *and* a Life
The Dirty Dozen, with Debbie Ridpath Ohi – Open Book Toronto
Interview With Debbie Ridpath Ohi: On Author Truf with Brittney Breakey
10 Questions With Illustrator Debbie Ridpath Ohi: All The Write Notes interview. Artistic and musical influences.
Guest Post & Giveaway: Debbie Ridpath Ohi on Illustrating NAKED! (& what she did differently from I’M BORED): On Cynsations.
5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Interview with Debbie Ohi: On Sharpreads with Colby Sharp.
Creating A New Look For Judy Blume Classics – by Debbie Ridpath Ohi, on the Nerdy Book Club.
A Sharp-Schu Trifecta with Debbie Ridpath Ohi
The New York Times reviews NAKED!
Inspiration – I’m Bored: review of I’M BORED by third grade elementary school teacher, Daniel J. Kelley.
A New Look For Judy Blume: Bookriot article that says nice things about my illustrations.
The Joys Of Childhood: review of I’M BORED and NAKED! on Librarian’s Quest
Styling Librarian Author Interview with Debbie Ridpath Ohi
Kidlit 411 Author-Illustrator Spotlight: Debbie Ridpath Ohi
Publishers Weekly starred review of NAKED!
Quill & Quire Q&A with Debbie about the Judy Blume covers
Review of I’M BORED in Donna L. Martin’s On The Write Track.
Interview in the Asian Authors And Artists series by V.T. Bidania.
Signing NAKED! posters at the Simon & Schuster Canada booth at OLA 2014 on Thu. Jan. 30, 2014.
The Chicago Tribune‘s website listed my Found Object/Food Art blog post as one of the most creative blog posts of 2013.
The Toronto Star recommended I’M BORED as a Hanukkah gift, inspiring me to create a Hanukkah-themed gift card.
The 2014 Writer’s Market features my article offering tips for writers on how to use (and NOT use) social media.
The 2014 Children’s Writer’s and Illustrator’s Market includes an interview with me. Thanks to Ricki Schulz for the interview!
August 27, 2013: Interview with Debbie Ridpath Ohi, Writer & Illustrator (The Madeleine Project).
July 19, 2013: Simple Messing About interviewed me on their blog.
June 6, 2013: I’M BORED named Picture Book Of The Day by
May, 2013: I’M BORED is a starred selection in The Canadian Children’s Book Centre‘s “Best Books For Kids & Teens” Spring Guide.
April, 2013: Writer’s Digest names as one of its 101 Best Websites For Writers in its May/June issue.
April, 2013: Thanks to the Kindergarten and 1st Grade students at Avoca West Elementary for choosing I’M BORED as their ITC March Madness Champion!
Mar. 29, 2013: My friends Debs & Errol did a birthday comic for me today!
Mar. 16, 2013: Snailmail – Illustrators Rock! Teacher Maria Selke writes about my snailmail letter reply to her second grade class.
Feb, 2013: Un-Boring Potatoes (And Pomegranate Aioli Recipe) by Amanda M. Socci on Going Veggie.
Feb. 20, 2013: An Interview With Debbie Ridpath Ohi on Snuggle With Picture Books, by Richa Jha.
Jan. 17, 2013: Story Add-Ons by Lynn Plourde. Lynn’s blog post and video shows how students can do Story Add-Ons, and she uses I’M BORED as an example (yay!!).
Jan.17, 2013: The Naked Post on Wild About Words, by Donna Gephart. What does ‘Naked’ have to do with children’s books? Apparently a lot!
Jan.16, 2013: Entertainment Weekly: “Michael Ian Black re-teams with artist Debbie Ohi for chidren’s book ‘Naked!’ — EXCLUSIVE“ chosen as one of Writer’s Digests 101 Best Websites For Writers.
December 2012: Favorite Picture Books Of 2012 – Kid Lit Frenzy, selected by Alyson Beecher.
December 2012: Recent Picture Books I’ve Loved – review by Cheryl Rainfield.
December 2012: I’M BORED listed in The New York Times Sunday Book Review Notable Children’s Books Of 2012.
November 2012: For more blog and press mentions re: I’M BORED, please see I’M BORED Press.
October issue of Quill & Quire (print & online): Review of I’M BORED. Excerpts: “The text is perfectly complemented by Ohi’s quirky minimalist drawings…Ohi’s depiction of the little girl, with her Charles Schultz–inspired big head and scraggly pigtails, will appeal to young readers, as will Black’s goofy humour. Kids will come away from this excellent book exactly the opposite of bored.”
October 31, 2012 (online): 10 Great Picture Books From 2012 – by Carter Higgins on Design Mom. Excerpts: “Leave it to a potato to turn the tables on a kid’s favorite saying. A potato? A potato bored of KIDS? Why not? An ultimate triumph for imagination…Need a gift for that hard to please little one? I’m Bored will surely get you some extra hugs.”
October 31, 2012 (online): Book Recommendation: I’M BORED – by Joanna Marple on Miss Marple’s Musings. Excerpt: “The anthropomorphism and arrogance of this potato are hilarious and Ohi manages to capture this root vegetable’s ‘potatotude’ magnificently. It’s a comic romp with lively cartoon-like digital illustrations, with awesome facial expressions on both girl and spud. While written and illustrated for certain laughs, readers are also left with a great underlying question about what makes us bored or indeed boring!”
October 24, 2012 (online): Podcast with Katie Davis on Brain Burps – This was originally meant to be a video podcast but sadly, the file got damaged and Kate says she was unable to save it. The audio version is online but since I had prepared all kinds of visual props as well as a drawing demo, listeners will miss a bunch of what I had intended.
October 18, 2012 (online): Interview with Debbie by Elizabeth O. Dulemba
October 17, 2012 (online): What I’m Up to at Kirkus This Week, Plus What I Did Last Week, Featuring Debbie Ridpath Ohi – by Jules / Julie Danielson on Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast.
October 12, 2012 (online): Eradicate Ennui with Michael Ian Black’s ‘I’m Bored’ – Kirkus Reviews blog. Some quotes: “Sometimes a picture book gets it just right. And by “it,” I mean clever concept, smart execution and all-around child-friendly vibe.”…”Ohi is wonderful at conveying facial expressions with the simplest of shapes, as well as gesturing.”…”It’s an action-packed tale with an endearing protagonist—grumbles of discontent and all. Best of all, it’s topped off with a truly funny ending. Inspiring and stimulating, it’s a must-see picture book, particularly if you’re a teacher or librarian looking for good story-time reads. You’re almost guaranteed laughs with this one.”
October 9, 2012 (online): Illustrating Children’s Books: Debbie Ridpath Ohi Dishes About I’M BORED – Interviewer: Lorna London
October 1, 2012 (online): On the Radar: Top Picks from the Editors at Junior Library Guild: New Books to Make You L-O-L
September 29, 2012 (online): I’m Bored – This blog post & video from Heather Newman made my day.
Tue. Sept. 25, 2012 (online): Story Time post about I’M BORED – by Katherine, Chirp Editor.
Tue. Sept. 25, 2012 (online): I’M BORED by Michael Ian Black, illustrated by Debbie Ridpath Ohi – by Adrienne Kress on her blog.
Sun. Sept. 23, 2012 (appearance): Toronto’s Word On The Street, 2-2:45 pm in the Children’s Activity Tent – I’ll be giving a reading from I’M BORED as well as a young illustrator’s workshop, followed by a book signing in the Children’s Signing Tent.
Sat. Sept. 22, 2012, Globe & Mail review by Andrew Kaufman. Excerpts: “…Beautifully written by Michael Ian Black and gorgeously illustrated by Debbie Ridpath Ohi…It has the courage to go unfashionably old-school and suggest that our imagination, not our gadgets, is the only cure [for boredom]”…Both the writing and the illustrations are fearless.”
Sept/2012 issue of School Library Journal: Review excerpt- “Ohi’s captivating, digitally created illustrations are full of wit and charm…Quirky and fun to read aloud, this book is a sure antidote for cases of ennui.”
Wed. Sept. 19, 2012 (online) – Interview by Wendy Martin on Wendy Martin Art – Illustrator Interviews
Tue. Sept. 18, 2012 (online) – A Picture-Perfect Interview with Illustrator Debbie Ridpath Ohi. Therese Walsh interviews me on Writer Unboxed. Topics include: how a rejections led to I’m Bored, the SCBWI Mentorship program, Michael Ian Black’s response to my publisher when he suggested me as an illustrator for MIB’s story, what surprised me in the process of creating the book, art notes, advice for aspiring writers and illustrators.
Tue. Sept. 18, 6-8 pm (appearance) – I’M BORED book launch (illustrator only) at TYPE Books on Queen St.Details here.
Sun. Sept. 16, 2012 (print & online): Featured review in Sunday’s New York Times Book Review by David Small. Excerpt: “Black is a comedian and actor (“Stella,” “The State”) when not writing children’s books (“A Pig Parade Is a Terrible Idea”), and he tells his story in sprightly fashion. The illustrator Debbie Ridpath Ohi convincingly draws a child full of life, a potato full of — well, potatotude, and computer drawings that look just like good old-fashioned linocuts. Her smart cartoony artwork matches Black’s perfect comic timing, making for a fun ride that should leave you amused, perhaps pensive, and no longer bored.”
Sept. 15-16, 2012 (online) – Get Lost In A Story interview. Topics include what scares me, favorite book, teachers, friends, romance, chocolate, and much more! Interviewer: Maureen McGowan.
September 15, 2012 (online) – I’M BORED By Black and Ohi: by K-8 Library Media Specialist on her blog LibLaura5. I’m SO tickled to hear how much the students are enjoying I’M BORED!
Wed. Sept. 12, 2012 (online) Creative Communities, and Thoughts About Introverts – Kari Trogen’s very kind words about my CANSCAIP talk *blush*.
Wed. Sept. 12, 2012 (online): Interview by Christina Farley on Chocolate For Inspiration.
Wed. Sept. 12, 2012 (appearance): I’ll be speaking at the monthly CANSCAIP meeting in Toronto. “Debbie Ohi, an illustrator and writer, talks about how she got her first contract with Simon and Schuster US for the picture book I’m Bored. Debbie will discuss the advantages of networking, attending conferences (PYI and SCBWI) and share a few tips on how to make the most of these intense sessions.”
Tue. Sept. 11, 2012 (online): I’M BORED Trifecta with Mr. Schu and Colby Sharp:
— My guest post on Nerdy Book Club: In The End, It’s The Story That Matters (Celebrity books)
— Mr. Schu’s post about the I’M BORED book music video, his interview with Zoe (w/ help from Zoe’s Dad)
— Colby Sharp shares his 4th grader’s favorite moments from I’M BORED on Sharpreads
Mon. Sept. 10, 2012 (online) – The Other Side of the Story – podcast interview with Matt Myklusch
Mon. Sept. 10, 2012 (online) – It’s Worth The Wait – my guest post on Beth Stillborn’s blog, By Word Of Beth.
Sun. Sept. 9, 2012 (online) – New Voice & Giveaway: Debbie Ridpath Ohi on Cynsations. Interviewer: Lena Coakley.
October issue of Today’s Parent (print): I’M BORED feature mention
Fri. Sept. 7, 2012 (online) – I’M BORED review by Greg Leitich Smith. “With expressive illustrations and a hilarious point-counterpoint, a little girl demonstrates that children are less boring than potatoes. And there are waterfowl, too. Really.”
Fri. Sept. 7, 2012 (online) – Perfect Picture Book Friday, with Beth Stilborn.
Wed. Sept. 5, 2012 (online) – I’M BORED Contest announcement by Andrea Mack.
Wed. Sept. 5, 2012 (online) – Miss Marple’s Musings. Interviewer: Joanna Marple.
Tue. September 4, 2012: Happy Book Birthday To I’M BORED – by MiG Writers
Tue. Sept. 4, 2012: I’m Bored Releases Today! – by Christina Farley
Sat. Sept 1, 2012:Featured Artist on | Gallery announcement about me
I’M BORED chosen as A Junior Library Guild selection for Fall/2012. My blog post about how the JLG helps schools, libraries and the children’s book industry.
I’M BORED recommended in Sept/2012 issue of Parenting magazine. “Fave line: ‘How can you possibly think kids are boring when we can be anything we want to be?'”
Aug. 27, 2012 (online) – Open Book Toronto “At The Desk” guest post.
August 20, 2012 (online) – Listed in 49th Shelf’s post, For Young Readers: Most Anticipated Books of Fall 2012.
July 11/2012: My Nerdy Book Club graphic review of Maggie Stiefvater’s The Scorpio Races.
July 9th issue: Starred review in Publishers Weekly. Excerpt: “It looks to be the ultimate ennui smackdown: a bored-out-of-her-gourd kid vs. an equally jaded potato….Debut illustrator Ohi’s minimalist, scraggly digital drawings are anything but boring, and speak volumes about irritation, desperation, and disdain.”
May/2012: Catching Up With Debbie Ridpath Ohi
April/2012: Interview with Debbie Ridpath Ohi: Raychelle Writes
Mar.29/2012: I appeared on the Space Channel in an InnerSpace segment about digital illustration (filmed at the Autodesk Sketchbook event).
Mar/2012: My talk at Autodesk SketchBook Pro in Toronto
Mar/2012: Autodesk’s Sketchbook Pro: Toronto Salutes a Popular, Homegrown App: I was quoted in this article.
Feb/012: When I Learned To Actively Pursue Happiness (Life Changing Moments Series) – Guest post on Robert Brewer’s blog, My Name Is Not Bob
Interview with TOMO contributor, Debbie Ridpath Ohi – by Holly Thompson | Tomo Anthology Blog
Video interview with me – by Lee Wind | SCBWI Blog (Warning: Very hyper! Plus I mispronounce my soon-to-be art director’s name! Laurent Linn’s first name is supposed to be pronounced Lore-AWNT with the emphasis on the second syllable)
WOW Wednesday: Debbie Ohi – 8 Ways To Survive The Journey To Publication
Comixtalk on Will Write For Chocolate
Debbie Ridpath Ohi: Inspirational People Series – by Shai Coggins
Meet The Multi-Talented Debbie Ohi – by Beryl Hall Bray | Wow! Women On Writing
Comics For Chocolate: An Interview With Debbie Ridpath Ohi – by Xaviar Xerexes |
Will Write For Chocolate! – by Patricia Storms | Drawn!
Web Comic TO: Will Write For Chocolate Creator, Debbie Ridpath Ohi – by Ryan Couldrey | blogTO
Interview on CBC Radio (Canada’s national radio network) with Andy Barrie
Unknown Dates
Debbie Ridpath Ohi: An Exclusive Interview – by Carol Givner | Wordsmith
Also see my Inkspot press clippings pageCOPYRIGHT©2021 DEBBIE RIDPATH OHI. BASE URL: DEBBIEOHI.COM. CONTACT