Apologies for the sporadic schedule of my blog posts lately. I’m finding it much easier to post regularly in my inkyelbows Twitter account, if you’re interested in writing tweets…I usually post there at least several times a day.
Since the SCBWI Summer Conference, I’ve been approached by a number of publishers interested in my illustrations and/or writing. While it’s wonderful to have the attention after years of trying to get publishers to notice me, I’m now scrambling to get my projects finished so I have something to send.
Which brings me to time management. There’s a fine balance between working on building up a strong author platform and not spending enough time creating the content for that platform to support. But where do you draw the line? I’m still figuring that out myself.
Meanwhile, however, I’m about to send off one mss today (yay!) and aiming to finish a nonfiction book proposal to send out by the end of next week.
What about the rest of you? How do you balance social networking and blogging with your writing time?