To those doing NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) this month: good luck! I’ve done NaNoWriMo a few times and even gotten a couple of novels finished. The biggest reasons I did the NaNoWriMo challenge was to help get me back into the daily habit of writing and also for the online community aspect — it was fun and motivating to be writing to the same deadline as thousands of other writers doing the challenge.
I have found, though, that Novembers are generally NOT a good time for me to do a daily challenge like this, mainly because I’m always away for a week partway through to attend an annual board gaming convention. This month is especially hectic because in addition to the board gaming event, I’m also away on a book tour (for I’M WORRIED).
For others who are in a similar boat, who are looking for a writing challenge with more flexibility, I encourage you to check out my Daily Write challenge.
And for those looking for more NaNoWriMo comics, do check out my friend Errol Elumir’s daily NaNoToons!