Looking for a meaningful gift for a friend but don’t have the cash? Consider giving them TIME to read, write or illustrate. Click the image above for a print-ready PDF or download the “Gift Of Time” gift certificate here.
Depending on your relationship with the recipient, you could offer to do dishes for a week, pick up the kids from school, x number of hours of running, grocery shopping, babysitting and so on. If your friend complains about not having time to read, combine this certificate with a book.
Some suggestions for presenting the gift:
– Slip the certificate into a white envelope and then decorate the envelope with holiday stickers, sparkles, doodles, etc.
– Roll up the certificate and tie a color ribbon around it. Present it as is, or wrapped in gold tissue paper.
– Print out the PDF smaller (check your printer settings) on cardstock, laminate (or use clear packing tape for DIY lamination), include with a personalized holiday card.
– Combine the certificate with themed gift, like with some packaged soothing chamomile or mint tea, chocolates in a mug, or other “it’s time to spoil yourself” items.
– Combine the certificate with one of your favorite books.
For more free, print-ready goodies, see Debbie’s Print-Ready Archives.