Back home, and I HAVE NEWS.
I am delighted to announced that I am going to be writing AND illustrating two more picture books for Simon & Schuster Books For Young Readers.
Many thanks to Jeff, Ginger Knowlton, Mina Feig (who works with Ginger at Curtis Brown) and my MiG Writer critique partners (especially Andrea Mack) for helping me get my picture book dummy for SAM AND EVA polished. I sent it to my editor, Justin Chanda, around 10 pm and he responded at 8:30 the next morning:
Absolutely 100% love this!
Ginger… I’ll be in touch.
When I read his reply, I yelled and jumped up and down in my office (no lie) and then ran upstairs to wake my husband up to tell him. Jeff is not a morning person, but I figured he wouldn’t mind in this particular case. 🙂
I’ll be posting more about how I put together this particular picture book dummy in my “Writing & Illustrating A Picture Book With Simon & Schuster BFYR” series:
Justin was the first editor to ever offer me a contract for a children’s book, and I continue to be grateful to him and Simon & Schuster Children’s for their continuing support of my work.
SAM AND EVA (title likely to change) will be published in Fall 2016. The second picture book is yet to be written and illustrated, and is tentatively scheduled to be published in 2017.
You can see an updated list of my upcoming book projects at
On Facebook, you can be kept up-to-date on my writing projects at