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KidLit Cares: KidLit Community Raises Funds For Post-Sandy Relief Efforts

 If you’re a teacher, librarian, aspiring kidlit/YA author or illustrator, I strongly urge you to check out the services currently up for auction on Kate Messner’s site as part of KidLit Cares, generously donated by members of the children’s/YA community to help raise funds for Red Cross disaster relief efforts.

NOTE: If you lack the money, expertise or time to bid or donate services, you can still help by spreading the word about KidLitCares. If you’re on Facebook, do “Like” the KidLitCares Facebook Page. You can follow KidLitCares updates on Twitter with the #kidlitcares hashtag.

Just a few of the listings:

Penguin Art Director Giuseppe Castellano is offering a written portfolio critique, with a follow-up phone call to discuss your work. Just added yesterday: “If we reach $300, I’ll add a one-on-one lunch with me, my treat. We can talk about art and publishing, linseed oil and Wacom tablets! We’ll hammer out details after the auction. If we reach $500, in addition to the above, I will bring a book idea of yours to our Editorial Meeting.” Details here. (Auction closes Tue. Nov. 13, 2012)

Chronicle Books editor Melissa Manlove is offering a picture book critique, a “free pass” to an editorial meeting (will take your revised mss to an acquisitions meeting for consideration & feedback), $300 of Chronicle books, advance copies of four of her books.

And just added yesterday: “If the bids reach $3,000 I will include a one-on-one lunch with me whenever we’re next in the same area (my treat, of course)–at which you will feel free to pepper me with publishing questions.” Details here. (Auction closes Mon. Nov. 12, 2012)

Egmont USA publisher Elizabeth Law, who specializes in children’s and YA fiction, will critique 30 pages and a synopsis of your manuscript. Elizabeth will provide written notes and line edits and have a 40 minute phone call with you to discuss your project and your writing, and any questions at all you have about the industry, agents, publishers, e-books etc.

AND (just added yesterday), she’ll read, critique & discuss the first 40 pages and synopsis of the next round of your manuscript, if you get it to her within 6 months of her initial call. Details here. (Auction closes Fri. Nov 9, 2012)

These are only a few of many amazing services being offered for auction by editors, art directors, agents, publishers, authors and illustrators as part of KidLit Cares, so do check out all the listings on Kate Messner’s site. Writers wanting to connect with editors and agents should note that listings include a mss critique & phonecall with Bloomsbury Children’s Books editor Caroline Abbeyphonecall with Erin Murphy of Erin Murphy Literary Agencyquery crit & phonecall with Jennifer Laughran of Andrea Brown Literary Agencyphonecall and crit of your mss & synopsis & query letter with literary agent Pam van Hylckama of Larsen Pomada Literary Agentspicture book crit & submission pkg from author/agent tag-team Anne Marie Pace & Linda Pratt (Wernick and Pratt Agency)phonecall and crit of mss + query + synopsis by Michelle Witte of Mansion Street Literary Managementmss crit and book from Scholastic/Arthur A. Levine executive editor Cheryl Klein.

Plus Skype visits from authors like Linda Sue Park, Mo Willems, Laurel Snyder, Laurie Halse Anderson, Veronica Roth, Linda Urban, Sara Lewis Holmes, Barbara O’Connor, Ellen Hopkins and others — or in-person visit with Sarah Albee or Cynthia Lord. Get a character named after you or a friend in one of Robin Wasserman’s upcoming books. Get your mss critiqued by a pro author like Laurie Halse Anderson, Julie Berry, Jo KNowles, Jean Reidy, Kody Keplinger, Deborah Underwood, Michelle Knudsen, April Henry, Sarah Darer Littman, Kelly Fineman, Tessa Gratton, Gwenda Bond. Get pitch/publicity/launch tips from experienced pros. Soooo much more! Do browse the full list.

****Note: Make sure you read over the full rules/details on Kate Messner’s KidLit Cares page before bidding, plus verify listing details.

If you’re a member of the children’s book community and would like to donate your services to the next round of KidLitCares, fill out the form at the bottom of Joanne Levy’s Kidlit Cares page; Joanne will be organizing Round 2.

Tags: Inkygirl