I was thrilled and deeply honoured that SAM & EVA has been nominated for a Marilyn Baillie Picture Book Award this year in the CCBC Book Awards. After the invite-only event for winners and nominees, some of the Toronto area kidlit/YA authors are throwing an Unofficial After-Party Canadian Kidlit Masquerade Ball on Oct.29th, 2018 from 7 pm – 2 am at the Lula Lounge not only to celebrate writers, illustrators, editors and publishers who create awesome stories for kids and teens, but also to raise funds for Books With No Bounds. Children’s/teen writers, illustrators, editors, publishers, booksellers, teachers and librarians are all welcome!

You can buy tickets here; all net proceeds (after event costs are paid for) will go to Books With No Bounds, a non-profit, volunteer organization that distributes books and other learning tools to improve reading and literacy skills among indigenous youth in Canada and around the world. If you have items to donate to their charity auction, you can use this form.

Masquerade masks are optional, but if don’t have your own and you’d like to make one (either with an elastic/string or on a stick), I’ve provided a free, print-ready masquerade mask template here (direct download) or you click on the image below if you don’t want a direct download but prefer to scoop the PDF yourself. Even if you’re not able to make it to the Canadian KidLit Masquerade Gala, feel free to use my template with your young artists. There are two masks per printout – the second can be used to provide extra backing support if you need it. If using for the classroom, I suggest printing one mask first to test for size — you may want to print at a slightly smaller size, depending on age of your students.

I’ve included two mask templates per printout, and they include spots to put holes for an elastic/string if you want to go that route. I don’t like wearing masks over my glasses, so I prefer taping on a stick (popsicle stick or plastic straw works fine). I didn’t have any cardstock handy, so I used an old file folder; I cut off the extra bits so that it would fit in my printer as a roughly 8.5 x 11″ sheet. Don’t do this unless you know your printer can handle thicker paper.

Before decorating, I stuck on the stick and tried it out to make sure that my eye hole openings would work for my face:

For decorations, use your imagination! Feel free to post photos of your progress and/or final creations. Be sure to use the hashtag #cankidlitgala to help others see!
Just a few decoration ideas:
– Colour with crayons, paints etc. Perhaps a young artist in your family might want to help you.
– Rip up some old magazines to make a collage.
– Choose a kidlit or teen book theme. Do you have a favourite children’s/YA book? Did you write or illustrate one? Decorate your mask using that theme. Or if you can’t choose, print out some small book covers and make a book collage mask!

– If you’re a book creator who did the above activity, consider donating your mask along with a copy of your book to the Charity Auction (make sure you sign both!).
– Add sparkly sequins! Feathers! Glitter!
– To fellow artists out there: recycle some of your old artsy experiments/rejects like I did!

Actually, I haven’t decided on how I’m going to decorate mine; the above photo is just an example for this post.
And if you’re a children’s/teen book writer, illustrator, editor, publisher, bookseller, teacher or librarian in the Toronto area on October 29th, do consider buying a ticket to attend The Canadian KidLit Masquerade Ball. Note that this event is NOT officially part of the CCBC book award event but an unofficial celebration run by volunteers (and kidlit book creators) Claudia Osmond, Kari Maaren, Ishta Mercurio and Star Spider.
You can find lots more info on the Canadian Kidlt Masquerade Ball Facebook Page or you can buy your tickets directly via the Eventbrite page.