Almost all of my comics are based on my own experience as a freelancer, as you might have guessed. This one is particularly relevant. One of my constant challenges is that for me, social media is more fun than work….but as a result, it can be way too easy to justify time I spend on social media as work.
This year, one of my work goals is to get my middle grade novel finished.
While I can’t control IF my novel is ever published (and I’ve become positive that this angst has a lot do with why I’ve been spending way too much time fussing about the outline and prep), I can focus on getting the book finished.
Which is why I’ve decided I really need to pull back a wee bit from some social media, especially Facebook. I suspect I’ll be on much more than the average person, but I’m going to try being more conscious about when I use social media, and how I use it.
My favourite social media these days: Twitter and Instagram. Some people find Twitter too negative but I find that so much is about what feeds you follow, and how you interact.