Since Amazon announced its acquisition of Goodreads back in April, those of us who have been using Goodreads have been waiting in semi-dread for the inevitable sweeping changes that would end destroying a once-thriving book community. Except they haven’t happened. So far, Amazon appears to be wisely playing it cautious when it comes to messing with what is already a Good Thing (knock wood).
Anyway, voting is now open in the 5th annual Goodreads Choice Awards! You have three chances to vote, and the Opening Round lasts until November 9th. Semifinals take place Nov.11-16 and Finals are Nov.18-25.
Here are the nominees in categories for children’s and YA:
Picture Books – Middle Grade & Children’s – Young Adult Fantasy – Young Adult Fiction
Have to admit I’m baffled by the “& Children’s” in the second category. So picture books don’t count as children’s books? Hm.
Hovering your mouse over any of the covers will pop up the “Want To Read” option, so browsing the nominee lists are a great way to help you decide what to read next.