Today’s print issue of The New York Times Sunday Book Review has their list of Notable Children’s Books Of 2012. There are six YA books, eleven middle grade books, and eight picture books….and I’M BORED (written by Michael Ian Black, illustrated by me) is included!! I’m about to head out this morning to hunt down a copy of The New York Times in Toronto but first, I wanted to write this post:
It’s been a truly extraordinary year for me.
Not only did my very first children’s book come out in bookstores, but Simon & Schuster also gave me contracts for two more books – one of which I’m also writing. I am grateful to so many people who have encouraged and supported me in the past as well as during the I’M BORED creation process, but today I’d like to mention one person in particular: Justin Chanda.

In 2010, Justin saw my portfolio in the SCBWI Summer Conference Showcase and decided that I’d be the perfect illustrator for Michael Ian Black’s newest picture book. Later on (after it was too late for him to change his mind), I asked Justin more about why he picked me; you can read some of his answers in the I’M BORED Scrapbook.

Justin had never heard of me when he first approached me at the conference. He didn’t know anything about my “author platform” or the fact that I had been focusing on writing up to that point … it was all about my art. From Justin, when I asked him:
There was a sense of whimsy and definite style. I loved the assorted cast of characters, but I loved your point of view just as much. I remember there was an illustration of a robot who had lost his arm and one of a little girl looking at these tiny monsters. In both instances I got a clear sense of character, a sense of humor, and a sense of style.
Over the years, I’ve had a wide range of rejection letters from a wide range of children’s book publishers…from the bare form letter for my early efforts up to much more personalized “we like her writing but the story’s not quite there” or “we love her mss but it doesn’t quite fit our list right now”. I’ve been appreciative of all feedback and I can tell by the quality of the rejections that I’ve been getting much closer…. but they’re still rejections. 🙂
Justin Chanda was the first children’s book editor to believe in me enough to offer me a contract, and I will always be grateful to him and Simon & Schuster Children’s. I’M BORED has opened up other opportunities at S&S, with two more picture book contracts. Justin says he’d also be happy to take a look at anything else I’ve done, including my middle grade and young adult writing (YAY), so I’ve been working hard on some new projects.

I’m going to be writing a series of short gratitude posts over the coming months, thanking some of the people in my life as well as those involved with the creation of I’M BORED, but for now… I’m going out to get a print version of The New York Times Sunday Review so I can get ink on my fingers and spend way too much time marvelling at the extraordinary fact that my name is included.
Photo below was taken by my husband Jeff, when The New York Timesreviewed I’M BORED back in September. Below the photo, I’ve posted the comic I created after reading the review.