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Writing & Illustrating A Picture Book For Simon & Schuster Books For Young Readers (Part 1: Intro)

I’m pleased to announce the launch of a new series of blog posts:

POSTS SO FAR: Part 1 – Part 2 – Part 3

As some of you may already know, I’m writing and illustrating my very first picture book for Simon & Schuster Books For Young ReadersI’m going to call this Picture Book X until I have an official title. I’m going to be blogging about the process of creating Picture Book X, from start to finish, in Inkygirl. An aside: if you’re curious about my blog posts about the creation of I’M BORED, new picture book by Michael Ian Black that I was asked to illustrate, I recommend you follow my I’M BORED Scrapbook. That blog also details how I started working with Simon & Schuster BFYR.

Because my book is still in its early stages, I won’t be talking about its content at all — not even its title, which has yet to be finalized.

Instead, I’m going to be talking about the process with a perspective that I hope will help aspiring picture book writer/illustrators. I also figure this blog post series may be of interest to those curious about what it’s like to work with Simon & Schuster Books For Young Readers.

I’ll be posting about the process, what I’m learning, what happens at various steps and what they mean, the people I interact with at S&S and what they do. I’ll be sharing some of the templates I create for myself to help with workflow, plus give you a peek of what goes on inside Simon & Schuster BFYR later on in the process, after I’ve handed in my finals.

Keep in mind that this is going to be based on just one particular project and from one perspective (mine). Your book project may have been — or could be — very different, depending on the circumstances and the people involved.

My editor, Justin Chanda, has given me the go-ahead to blog about the process (thanks, Justin!). I worked with Justin on I’M BORED illustration discussions, but this will be the first time I’ve worked with him on story text. 

I haven’t yet been assigned an art director; the project is still in its very early stages.

There is no set schedule to this blog post series. I’ll only post in the series if I have something useful or interesting to say. To make it easier to follow this particular thread, I’ll tag related posts with “pbcreation.” Whenever possible, I’ll also be including related resources to help you find additional info on the topic, and will also be encouraging you all to share your own experiences.

I hope you’ll join me! 🙂


Header photo credits: My photo – Beckett Gladney, Justin’s photo – Sonya Sones

Tags: Inkygirl