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Adrienne Kress wrote a blog post about me!

Above: photo with Adrienne Kress at a Torkidlit gathering

Many thanks to the mega-talented Adrienne Kress for her lovely post about me in her blog this week, which made me blush.

Adrienne’s new YA book comes out from Dutton next year, by the way. Here’s what Publisher’s Weekly said:

Alex and the Ironic Gentleman author Adrienne Kress’s Young Adult debut The Friday Society, in which the lives of three intelligent and very talented young women, all of whom are assistants to very powerful men, become inextricably linked by a chance encounter and a murder, to Nancy Conescu at Dutton, for publication in 2012, by Jessica Regel at Jean V. Naggar Literary Agency (world).”

You can find out more about Adrienne (who not only writes books for young people but is also an actor) at:

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