At first I was torn between participating in Story A Day May and NaPiBoWriWee, but then I realized that I can do both. I’m using these two challenges to come up a month’s worth of picture book story ideas. I’m aiming for an average on one picture book story a day.
These stories will obviously be VERY rough and will be far from polished, but each will have a beginning, a middle and an end. In terms of the Story A Day challenge, my stories are going to be super short .
I figured I wouldn’t have time to enter StoryADayMay until Julie said that the stories could even be Twitter-length. Geez, I thought. I could do do that! In fact, I was pretty confident I could do longer stories that would be a bare bones outline that I could choose to polish later.
When the challenge is over, I’m going to cull the list to my the top favourites and will start polishing each: fine-tuning the story, paging them out into picture book format, starting rough sketches.
What about the rest of you? Are you participating? If so, what are your goals? It’s not too late to jump in, by the way. Today’s only Day 3 of each challenge.
I interviewed the founders of each challenge recently, which you can read below:
Interview with Paul Yoo about National Picture Book Writing Week (NaPiBoWriWee)
Interview with Julie Duffy about Story A Day May